Chapter 7: Mixed Tag-Team Match

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Tanya's P.O.V.

After my sister and Dana's match, I was getting ready for a mixed tag-team match against Summer and Dean. She demanded a match since my team wiped out hers. It was getting me frustrated already. Lucky for me, I found an ally in somebody that I gained the respect of
Nobody knows. Not even Sasha knows. Let's just say Summer will think twice before challenging me for a rematch. Hopefully at least.

I walked with Roman as I heard Summer's music playing. We got behind the curtain and waited until her music died down.

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head

My theme played. We walked out, earning cheers from the WWE Universe. I took off my glasses and placed them on my head before I walked down the ramp.

"And their opponents, first, being accompanied by the United States Champion, Roman Reigns, from Boston, Massachusetts, Tanya Banks!" JoJo announced. I hugged Roman and hopped on the apron and took off my jacket and accessories and put them at ringside.

I slid myself into the ring as I glared at Summer and a pissed off Dean. I got a microphone and my music stopped. "You are gonna think twice before challenging me again." I told her. "What makes you think that?" Dean asked. "Oh, Ambrose, Baby. This is why. Get ready cause you just stepped into the labyrinth." I said as I tossed the mic and raised my arms. I smirked at their confused looks.

Their eyes widened and the crowd went super wild at the theme song that played. I turned and saw him walk out with his representative by his side. "Her tag team partner, accompanied by Paul Heymen, Brock Lesnar!" JoJo announced. I nodded as I looked at the couple, who had fear in their eyes. I flipped my hair as Brock came in after handing Paul his title.

He came to where I was before he and I fist-bumped, earning cheers and screams. The bell dinged as Brock and Dean went onto the apron, leaving me and Summer inside the ring. We circled each other before we locked together. I punched her in the gut and kicked her in the face. I grabbed her hair and sent her to the turnbuckle. I got to the other end before I screamed and ran, hitting her with a Forearm Smasher.

I grabbed her and performed the Twist of Fate. I then pinned her. "One! Two!" she kicked out. I proceeded to get up quickly and sent myself to the ropes before performing the Shining Wizard on her. Brock extended his arm out and I tagged him in. He got into the ring as I stepped out. Dean dragged Summer to safety, but not long before receiving a brutal Clothesline from Brock, which sent Dean and Summer crashing to the floor.

I smirked as Brock and I were dominating them. Dean got back in and was landing numerous punches to Brock, but was punched in the face. Brock placed him on his shoulders and performed a Suplex City on him. Brock then pinned him. "One! Two!" Dean kicked out. Dean struggled to get to Summer, who was defending her arm out. However, Brock caught his leg and dragged him back before slamming him into the turnbuckle. He ran to the ropes as Dean stood up and kicked him to Summer.

Summer tagged herself in, making me step inside the ring. I clotheslined her multiple times before I hit the Running DDT on her. I proceeded to pin her. "One! Two!" she kicked out. I got her by her hair and punched her in the gut before headbutting her. I clotheslined her and she ended up getting tossed out of the ring. I ran to the roped and hit the Suicide Dive on her, sending her down. I grabbed Summer again and threw her fake ass back in the ring. I got on the apron and tagged Brock in. He got inside as Summer got out. Again, Dean was distracted by her and Brock ended up punching him badly. Brock was about to charge at Dean, but Summer grabbed his leg.

I got off and ran over, pushing her to the ground. "Stay sway, bitch!" I yelled as I began beating her up. Dean was yelling at me, but I yelled back and sent Summer's trashy face to the floor. I then decided to use the PTO move that one of my trainers and good friends, Paige taught me. I call it the Bank Lock. I smirked at her screaming in pain as Dean was encouraging her. I smirked as Brock readied himself. Dean turned around and was caught by Brock, who performed three Suplex Cities on him.

He then pinned him just as I released Summer and banged her face into the steel post, sending her down. One! Two!" Dean kicked out. I groaned as Summer got on the apron and tagged herself in. I instantly slid into the ring and Clotheslined her multiple times. She Supermodel Kicked me and then proceeded to pin me. "One! Two!" I kicked out. She then set me up for her submission move and did so.

Roman was at ringside, encouraging me as well as Brock. "Come on, Tanya! You got this!" he shouted. He then proceeded to get the crowd to clap as if to motivate me. I thrashed my legs as the submission was making it's effect. Roman kept motivating me. "You shut up!" Summer yelled at him.

I screamed in pain as she put pressure. She was trying to get me to tap out. Not gonna happen! She made it into a cover, but I kicked out. I used the ropes to support myself as she grabbed my hair and attempted to Suplex me, but I did a Nobody Home and caught her leg as she was about to kick me. I then collided my knee with her face, making her fall back.

"Who's the baddest, huh?!" I yelled as I turned my attention to Summer. I yelled before I ran and hit her with both my knees. I went after her again and she proceeded to kick me, but I caught her leg. "Don't think so!" I yelled as I put her legs outside and kneed her in the gut. I then proceeded to pin her. "One! Two!" Summer kicked out.

I grabbed her, but she did Clothesline to me and Supermodel Kicked me again before trying to pin me. "One! Two!" I kicked out. She screamed in frustration as she got me up. She punched me and began talking trash until I slapped her. She went to kick me again, but I dodged it and hit her with the Backstabber and soon locked her into the Bank Statement. Summer then tapped out instantly.

I smirked as I sat up and Brock helped me up. "Here are your winners by submission, the team of the Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar and Tanya Banks!" JoJo announced. Brock grabbed my arm and we raised them both at our victory. As Paul handed him his title, I went to Roman and jumped on him before we hugged. He spinned me around. "Hey!"

We pulled away and saw Dean glaring. I walked over and punched him. "Go back with your whore!" I yelled at him as I smirked and did a cartwheel before kicking him in the jaw. Brock and Paul exited the ring as Roman and I. He grabbed my hand and raised my arm up and later released as I smirked at a glaring Dean who I was surprised to see not checking on Summer.

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