Chapter 17: Old Videos

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Mercedes's P.O.V.

After Joe and his family left, it was just me and Vivian. I realized that Joe was right. Vivian deserved to know, but I will only convince her to talk to Jon. I will leave telling the truth to Jon. After all, next week on Raw, all of us are gonna be there. So, if she agrees, I'll tell Jon so he can ask to reveal the truth to her himself. I just hope everything goes right.

Vivian was in the kitchen, washing dishes. Me being the kind sister I am, I decoded to help her out. "I'll clean the table and the counter." I said as I got a rag and soaked it in water. Vivian nodded her head and I began to help her clean. Once I was done, I went to the living room and set the pillows on the couch as they originally were. I cleaned the living room table from where the kids ate.

Once we were done cleaning, we both went into her bedroom. She had a huge ass bed fit for three people. We both lay there as she scrolled through the shows on the WWE Network. "Hey, remember this?" she asked as she stopped on Summerslam of 2015. It was when she defeated Nicole for the Divas Championship in a Casket match. Then, Jon came in and showed everybody how much of a power couple they were.

"Yeah. That was an awesome night." I replied. "And this was way before your Iron-Man match with Pam." she told me. "Not to mention, you were a face in this one." I said. "Well, hit play, sis." I said. She clicked on it and the video played as we both watched it.

In The Video:

There was a casket set up in front of the ring. Lilian stood in the ring as the bell dinged. "The following contest is a Casket match and it is for the WWE Divas Championship! The only way to win the Casket match is to toss your opponent inside the casket and close the lid. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the challenger, from Boston Massachusetts, The Boss, Tanya Banks!" Lilian announced.

Jon's music played with her titantron, making the crowd go insane. She walked out in her Dean Ambrose shirt. She had on a pair of blue denim shorts and combat boots. She also had her hands wrapped up like Jon did. Her long, red hair was perfectly straightened and she had on smokey eyeshadow. She looked like a female version of Jon.

She went and slapped a couple of the fans' hands with a huge smile. It was then she saw me and Team B.A.D in the audience and she went over and hugged us. What happened next was that Ashley, Pam, and Rebecca came in and her eyes widened as she smiled and engulfed them in a huge group hug. All four of us held up the Four Horsewomen sign and she did the same.

Vivian hopped on the apron and slid inside the ring. She went to Lilian and gave her a hug. She stood in her corner as she looked at the ramp. "And her opponent, from Scottsdale, Arizona, she is the WWE Divas Champion, the Fearless Nikki Bella!" Lilian announced. The crowd erupted into boos and cheers.

You can look, but you can't touch. You keep dreaming on the stars above

Nicole walked out and did her signature pose as she held up her Divas title. She walked down the ramp before getting on the apron. She did her backflip as Vivian smirked, shaking her head. Nicole handed the referee the title and he rose it above his head. He gave the title to Lilian.

Since the bell hand already rung, the match was already underway. Nicole and Vivian circled each other before locking up. Vivian grabbed Nicole and sent her to the ropes and Clotheslined her multiple times. She went to the ropes and delivered a roundhouse kick to Nicole. Nicole leaned against the turnbuckle for support.

Vivian grabbed her hair and tossed her across the ring. She ran and did a frontflip, followed by a Forearm Smash. She grabbed her and hit her with the Bankrupt. She went to drag Nicole to the casket, but the Divas Champion dodged and began landing punches. She backed her up to a turnbuckle and held her there. Nicole let her go before she would get disqualified.

She grabbed Vivian's hair and tossed her to the center of the ring. She went to drag her to the casket. She managed to break out. Nicole grabbed Vivian, but she got free and slapped her smack hard on the face. Vivian ran to the ropes before performing a Tilt-A-Whirl DDT on her. My sister grabbed the champion and lifted her up onto her shoulders. She ran and hit her with a Buckle Bomb, paying tribute to Colby.

She landed kicks to Nicole before she stopped. She then went onto the apron. Nicole ran after her, but Vivian landed a high kick to her. She then got on top of the rope and hit Nicole with a Leaping Clothesline. She went to get her to the casket, but Nicole rolled away. Vivian groaned in frustration before she grabbed the Bella twin and tossed her over the top rope. She then ran and hit a Suicide Dive. She tossed her back into the ring.

Nicole managed to recover and grab Vivian. She hit her with the Rack-Attack. She smirked, thinking she had already won this match. She went for a pin. The referee didn't get down to count because she forgot this was a casket match. Nicole got up and began arguing with the referee. As soon as she realized it was a casket match, Vivian was already up and well.

As she turned around, she was met with a Superplex. Nicole held her head as Vivian ran and hit her with a Running Knee Strike. My sister then grabbed her and screamed. She performed the Tombstone on her. She went to the turnbuckle, waiting for Nicole to get up. As she did, Vivian let out a battle cry before nailing Nicole with a devastating Spear.

She quickly got up and grabbed her. She tossed her over the top rope where the casket was. The Bella twin lay there, holding her head. Vivian quickly slid out of the ring and used all her strength. She managed to get the lid closed, making the crowd go insane. The bell rung as her and Jon's theme played. She covered her mouth in shock as her eyes got watery.

"Here is your winner and the new WWE Divas Champion, Tanya Banks!" Lilian announced. She cried happy tears as she was handed the title. She hugged it close to her before she rose it up, earning screams from the fans. She walked to me, Tamina, Trinity, Ashley Rebecca, and Pam before hugging us all. Me and Trinity were the ones crying with her.

She walked off and began to walk backwards up the ramp. raising her title, blowing kisses to the fans. The cheering got louder, making her confused. She turned around and saw Jon walk out with a huge smile on her face. They ran to each other and met each other at half-ramp. He caught her and spun her around. She clung to him before he set her down.

He smashed his lips to hers and she kissed back. The fans were losing their minds. When they pulled away, Jon got Vivian and placed her on his shoulder. They smiled before she raised her title with a huge smile on her face.

*End of Video*

I looked and saw Vivian wipe a tear that fell. "Sis, be honest with me. Do you miss him? Like, deep down?" I asked her. She covered her face before nodding. I sighed as I sat up and pried her hands away from her face. "You need to talk to Jon, Vivian." I told her. She sat up immediately and shook her head.

"Dude, I can't. Things will be awkward and it's been so long." she replied. "He's not with Summer anymore. Now can be your chance." I told her. "But who knows? He's probably banging one other chick right now." she said. I shook my head. "Actually, he isn't." I replied. "How do you know?" Vivian asked.

"Joe and Colby, remember? Best friends? They told me he's too depressed to move on. He misses you, Viv. If you don't want to talk to him, just do it for me. Please." I practically begged her. She groaned before she hit me with a pillow. "Fine. But, only for you." she said. I smiled and hugged her. "Thank you." I told her. She nodded her head.

I pulled away and hit her with a pillow with a grin. She laughed and we ended up having a pillow fight. After that, we watched WWE videos from NXT and the past until we were tired and fell asleep.

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