Chapter 55: The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend

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Vivian's P

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Vivian's P.O.V.

Tonight, I was going to have a match against the returning Eva Marie. I was ready to go. Emily was at the hotel with Ashley. I knew she would be safe, because recently, Mercedes wants to see her, but we just don't trust her at the moment. Plus, we knew the female Flair would go at anything to protect her, so we felt okay.

Right now, I was in catering with the guys.

"So, she never bothered explaining anything? Not even a bit?" Colby asked as I took a bite out of my wings. I shook my head. "No, nothing. But, I don't care. I already got my hands on that bitch." I replied. "That's just low, Dude. She hasn't even called to check on Emily?" Joe asked. "No, she still checks on her, but since we don't want to talk to her and shit, Mikaze is the one who calls." Jon replied.

"Where is she right now?" Joe asked. "She's with Ashley and Colby at the hotel. Whenever they don't have a match or anything, they stay over there and watch her. With them around, Mercedes can't even get near Emily." Jon explained.

"Right. Those two won't let anybody who's an enemy near her." I said. "I swear, everybody is like bears protecting their young when they're with her." Joe said. We all laughed as Jon kissed my head. "So, how's life as parents?" he asked. "Less sleep, but it's worth it." Jon replied. "Her well-being is more important than ours at he moment." I added.

  "Don't forget that your health matters as well." the Samoan told us like we were kids. We laughed along with him. "We know."

It was then a tech guy came running to us. "Tanya Banks, your match is up next." he said before leaving. All of us got up and walked out of catering until we got to gorilla.

The guys were going to be sitting down next to the commentary table. I took a deep breath as we waited at the curtain at the stairs.

Eva Marie was already in the ring, waiting for me.

"She's your opponent?" Joe asked. "Eva Marie? Yeah." I replied. "Ooh, piece of cake!" Joe said. "I thought she was released." Jon said as he wrapped an arm around me. "She was, but she's back." I told him. "You don't have problems with her, do you?" he asked. "Nah. She's a sweetheart with me. Summer and Sasha are legit the only ones I have beef with." I replied.

"Well, Darling, let's head out." Jon said as he kissed my head.

  Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D.

The crowd cheered and we walked out, a confident smile on my face.

"And her opponent! from Boston, Massachusetts, accompanied by Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns, representing The Shield, she is the Raw Women's Champion, Tanya Banks!" JoJo announced.

All four of us walked down the stairs. I held onto Jon's hand as we made our way to the barricade. Jon went over it before extending his hand out. I took it and jumped over it, Joe following soon after. He cupped my cheek and smashed my lips to his. I giggled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"This is a PG show, guys." Michael said.

"Shut up! This is a husband and wife moment! Don't ruin it!" Corey added.

"I agree! Lunatic Boss all the way!" Renee said.
  I hugged Joe before I jumped on the apron. I rose my title above my head while doing mine and my team's fist bump, making the crowd cheer. I stepped inside the ring and smiled as I saw lots of posters dedicated to me and my teammates. I turned and eyed Eva as I put my title aside.

   She and I stared at each other as the guys took their seats. We circled each other before the bell rang. She and I locked up and started the match.

  *10 Minutes Later*

I grabbed Eva from the top rope and lifted her up. I hit the Immortal Remains and pinned her. "One! Two! Three!" The bell rang as The Shield's theme played. "Here is your winner,  Tanya Banks!" JoJo announced.

"Wait a minute!" Michael exclaimed.

"Tanya, turn around!" Renee said.

Just as I was about to get up, I felt someone attack me from behind. I began to get stomped on and I saw that it was Mercedes. She grabbed me and sent me into the turnbuckle. She yelled at Eva and told her to get up. The redhead looked confused before my sister yelled at her. Both of them soon began attacking me.

  They grabbed me and put me in the center of the ring. I knew the guys wanted to come help, but they couldn't touch them.

  Eagle Screech

"Wait a minute!" Michael said.

"It's her! She's coming out to help Tanya!" Renee added.

"I thought these two hated each other!" Corey said.

Mercedes and Eva looked at the ramp in shock as Paige ran down with a kendo stick in hand. She slid inside and struck both of them back and forth. She struck Mercedes, who screamed in pain. Paige began unleashing on both of them until Eva was outside the ring in pain. She tossed the kendo stick and waited for Mercedes to get up.

"Come on! Get up! You little bitch!" the goth woman yelled. My sister got on her knees and Paige hit her with a running knee strike. I managed to regroup as Paige locked her into the PTO. I quickly got out of the ring and got a steel chair. I got back inside and looked at Paige. "Turn her over." I told her. She nodded before she released Mercedes and she lay on her back in pain.

"Oh, my God!" Michael exclaimed.

I screamed as I struck Mercedes over and over again with the chair. The crowd was cheering as I continued my revenge on her. I stopped for a while before I wrapped the chair around her bad knee.

"Oh, God, what's Tanya doing?" Corey asked.

I knelt down as Paige looked on. "It didn't have to be this way, Mercedes! It didn't have to be! You chose this! You made this happen! This is for all of us, and for the family you piece of shit!" I yelled before slapping her. She held her head as Paige and I looked at each other. I ran to the ropes and hit Colby's stomp onto the chair.

Mercedes screamed in pain as she clutched her knee. She rolled out of the ring as Eva went to check on her. I smirked as my theme played. Joe and Jon came inside the ring and they hugged me. I hugged back before my husband kissed my cheek. I turned to Paige, who was holding her hand out.

"What's going on?" Michael asked.

"No way." Corey added.

"Seems like we have a new alliance between Paige and Tanya Banks." Renee said.

I smiled at her before I shook her hand and hugged her, the crowd cheering. We pulled away and she raised my hand. All of us got out of the ring and I wrapped an arm around her as Jon wrapped his around me, all of us laughing.

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