Chapter 5

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His scent was captivating. I can't describe the pleasure and comfort it gives me. It also scares me a lot, it's confusing. I feel like somebody is playing with my feelings, having them tied on strings and controlling them, controlling me.

This wasn't natural, this whole process. That's part of the reason I wasn't desperate for my mate, I wanted to have a right to choose.

He looks even better than I thought. He has a muscular build and his energy is very powerful. Which makes me really curious about his past and the person he really is. He stands tall, his shoulders rolled back and his head raised (although I think it's subconscious). He's got a posture and aura like a strong pack wolf, not a worthless rogue. His eyes are dark, I can't quite see the color from this distance. His hair is also dark, long enough to comb my fingers through it.

And I realize I'm staring. And no one is talking. Awkward silence.

With rosy cheeks, I turn my head and awkwardly cough in order to erase the tension I made.

There were two more guys behind him, both oozing the same, although less powerful, aura.

''Have a seat, everyone, we have a lot to discuss about'', Alpha says and gives me a knowing look. I shrink back in my seat. For once in my life I want to be invisible and that's just why fate doesn't respect my wishes.

We all sit at the big round table, my mate sitting beside me, bringing his chair impossibly close to mine. I don't mind. I enjoy his closeness actually.

With everyone here, the meeting can officially start.


''We should probably start with introductions: this is Arsen, the son of the former Alpha of the Western pack. I'm not sure if you know the story about him and his family?'' my Alpha asks, looking at us.

I think I heard about him before, but I'm not sure.

Seeing our confused faces, my Alpha continued:

''Arsen, do you want to continue?''

Arson, my mate, stood up with reluctance and cleared his throat. I could see his tense posture and without thinking, I took his hand in mine. I saw his tense muscles relax.

''Exactly 2 years ago, the Western pack was attacked by rogues. They were ambushed and surrounded with no help. We sent our warriors there, but we couldn't break through the army of rogues that stood guard around the pack territory. These rogues were smart, they had tactics and they knew how to fight. That's why we thought they had a leader, but we couldn't find their base and no one from the group stood out as the most powerful or controlling from the rest. They were only focused on the Western pack and we couldn't find a reason for that. They took over the Western pack and captured a lot of the pack wolves and they are still holding them hostage in there. One third of the pack managed to escape with us and we are now living on the outskirts of your pack. We built cabins there and we are getting the help from your pack.

We want revenge and we want to save the rest of our pack. A lot of people are captured and we don't know what is happening to them. We only know most of them are alive because of the bonds we have with them.

We are now looking for help from other packs and hope they will help us erase the rogue pack from this Earth. We believe they will soon attack other packs and if we don't stop them, no one will.

We want to train with your warriors and have them fight with us. If that happens, we pledge loyalty and peace towards the Northern pack.''

He spoke with so much power and dominance, I thought the chairs were shaking because of the vibrations of his voice. I like his voice, it's soothing.

''How do you know the rogue pack wants to attack other packs?'' my father asked, his voice lased with curiousness.

''Before the attack, a lot of our wolves were first kidnapped, with no clues left after them. About 6 months of kidnapping later, the attack happened. Last week, we heard that the Southern pack was losing members mysteriously. We don't want this to happen to anyone else and that's why we're asking for help. We already got the support from the Southern pack.''

After he said that, my Alpha went to him and shook his hand.

''Your pack helped us when we were falling apart and because of that, and because we don't want to be ruled by rouges, the Northern pack agrees to an alliance to the Western pack. Our warriors will start training together as soon as possible and we will decide which ones will fight.''

With that, the meeting ended and we were sent to our homes.

My mate stopped me from leaving by taking my hand. ''Let's meet up later. I would gladly stay with you know, but I have a few matters to discuss with your Alpha.''

With a mouth empty of words, I nodded my head and turned to leave. It was like I was in a trans.

'' I'll find you later, little mate.''

Please do.


When I got home, I instantly went to my room. I knew my mother will soon come and start to question me.

I changed myself into some sweatpants and a tank top and sat on my bed, waiting.

Not even a minute later, I heard footsteps nearing my room.

''Come in, don't bother to knock.'' I said to my mother, who opened the door and sat beside me. She took my hands in hers and for a moment I thought everything was okay with us. It took me back to when I was young: she would sit beside me, hug me and tell me fascinating stories about wolves and our history. Then she would give me kiss on the forehead and wait for me to fall asleep; only then would she leave my room. I guess it all changed when she became overly protective of me and I overly defiant to her.

''Am I going to get answers from you, or do I have to bother your father and brother?'' she asked. ''Something happened while you were out and I know you were with them. I can feel your father's emotions, I knew he took you on a warrior mission. I just don't understand why would he take you with him, you're new in this, he should be careful. And then you were gone for so long and he said you were in a meeting and that you would tell me everything when you get back. I was really worried, I started to panic and-

''Mom, I found my mate.''

She shut up and looked at me with a surprised look. Then she snapped out of her trans and asked : ''Well, who is he? Does he know you're a warrior?''

Of course that's the first thing she asks. This is going to be a long night.



Hope you enjoy :)

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