A Promise Made...

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Lucy's POV

What I felt right now was so heavy that I could just collapse and be squished by the pressure. I hated it! I tried to look at the person responsible. I can't. I wanted to yell at him. I couldn't either. I wanted to hurt him, slap him if I could. But no, I couldn't.

Because when Loki looked back at me, I saw my own expression being mirrored in his eyes. I saw a stranger. A girl who had the same hair as me, same eyes, nose and lips... but she was definitely not me. I unfocused my stare on Loki's gold eyes. This time I looked at Loki himself.

As I expected, he wasn't Loki anymore. He wasn't the playboy I met at Fairy Tail, who smirked and smiled whenever he saw me. He wasn't the mighty Zodiac Leader called Leo either, who stood proud and tall whenever he was summoned. I stared deeply into this man and realized... he was a stranger to me as well. He was a stranger desperately trying to hold back his emotions from being exposed. Feelings of despair, guilt, shame, fear, anger, more shame, sadness, suffering and much more hidden in those eyes.

Could it be possible that he was more hurt than I was? That what I felt was just a fragment of what he felt? He wasn't the one who lost a mother and father. He wasn't the one who was looked down upon, hurt and threatened by that Yureka woman. How dare he show such a weak expression! How dare he look at me directly for seconds, not flinching even once. He didn't know how I felt!

Or maybe he does...

The only reason why he felt like that was because of me. I caused that expression. I looked away, tried to look far away. He kept staring at my ring. The ring where I used to put my keys in. I don't use it anymore because I have a new one, but I still kept it with me. Because it was special... or at least I think it was. Was it really?

"Lucy" he spoke. His voice. It was hoarse and shaken. Did he know how his voice sounded right now? Probably not. He looked like he was in a daze. I turned my attention to him. I locked eyes with him for a moment, then he continued. "That ring, where did you get it?" he said while eyeing the ring on my belt.

It was a weird question but I still answered.

"I... don't remember. It was from someone, when I was a kid. I'm not sure what age, but... I always knew I had a promise with the person. I don't remember who he is though..."

My answer brought memories to my mind. Faint and blurry memories. I definitely knew he was a guy, though. I don't remember what he looked like or what he sounded like, but there was something different about him. I really wish I remembered him...

"Can I have it then..?" Loki's words pulled me away from my thoughts. From the corner of my eye, I saw the other spirits glare at him. Me? I just stared then looked away.

What kind of question was that?! I was already in pain and he wants to take my ring for himself? Why does he always have to make me cry like this?!

I kept staring into the distance, even when I felt him sit next to me. I didn't want him to see the tears in my eyes. He was quiet for a while, until he whispered softly.

"I just thought we need to move on from the past... Including the younger you... " he said as I turned to look at him.

I was confused. I just stared at my lion spirit but gave him the ring anyway. I didn't even know who it was from, so... yeah, whatever. It's just probably just worth a few jewels. It's pretty nice, with the intricate designs and stuff, but it was still pretty simple. I don't even care about the guy who gave it to me. Though there was a part of me that wanted to keep it. I unlocked the ring from my belt, held it for the last time, then gave it to Loki. He stood up then rested his hand on my head. His touch was a comfortable feeling. I wanted him to stay there, but then he walked away into the other side of the bushes before any of us could even stop him.

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