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Lucy’s POV

I slowly regain consciousness when I feel the warm sunlight flooding into where I lay. I keep my eyes closed, simply too tired to get up or even remember why I should. Despite the mental fatigue, I’d have to say that my body is well rested the same way it does when I sleep in my bed back home. Home…

I clutch the fluffy, cotton soft sheets; they feel like the ones in my own bed. That’s because this is your bed… a voice at the back of my mind whispers, but I choose to ignore her and feel my surroundings.

The light streaming into the room where I’m in seems to be coming from right above me, probably on top of the bed’s head board. There must be a window in this room that’s positioned just like the one in my room. That’s because this is also your room… again, I ignore her.

I take one deep breath and take in the wonderful scent of the place; aroma of chocolate, cinnamon and strawberries. My favorites because they smell exactly like my apartment… I was no longer able to ignore the voice as it screeches with fury.

That’s because this IS your apartment, you silly girl! Now stop this stupidity and get the hell up before I flood this place!!!

My eyes spring open as I hear the woman’s deafening threat and take in everything. The wooden ceiling above, shelves of books to my right and my other clothes scattered all over the floor at the foot of the bed except from one gorgeous outfit that hangs in my open closet –how did that even happen? Tears start to fill my eyes as only one realization hits me… I’m home.

When did all of this happen? Was it all real? It seems like nothing has changed. Was I really sent to the past or was all of that just a dream? My questions were put to a halt when I noticed my blue-haired spirit sitting next to my bed – who was probably the cause of my less than organized wardrobe besides the one in my closet-, gazing at me impassively. Aquarius, I huffed inwardly. I knew my conscience wouldn’t be that snarky…

“I heard that..!” she hissed at me. It seems like the memory link is still on. Oops.

“Aqua… you’re back… and safe. We all are” I murmured. Before I could even comprehend what I was doing, I launched myself into the mermaid’s arms and sobbed with relief. Aquarius was pretty stunned to say anything else –didn’t even notice that I was nicknaming her again. She just sat still on the chair… a little too still, that I thought she was silently building up her rage. Then after a few more shuddering sobs coming from me, I felt her arms wrap around me. Her skin was pretty cold –being a mermaid and all that- but for some reason her embrace was warm and comforting. Kind of like my mother’s…

After a few more minutes, I pull away from her and compose myself. I remember everything she has done for me. Looking after me and protecting me from Yureka, taking care of me –in her own terms- and actually loving me like her family… though I guess she would never admit that. But still despite the insults and humiliation she put me through, I knew she cared. She really does look beautiful and –though she rarely shows it- so is her heart. And suddenly, I’m glad that this all happened. I’m glad they game the magical book. Happy that I remembered and found out how much my mother, father and spirits love me –thus, making me love all of them even more.  Loki gave me a wonderful present… Oh no, Loki.

I can feel the warmth spreading in my cheeks. What am I supposed to do with him now that I know that he…?

“He loves you”, Aquarius deadpans. Ugh, I really don’t like this mind-link thing.

“I don’t know…” she snorts as I murmur oh so unconvincingly.

“Are you in love with him?” she asks me.

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