Chapter 7 : Home

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{Gaga's POV}

"I'm going out Sarah." I say, looking at myself in the mirror to make sure I'm presentable. My hair is down and I'm wearing a black lace dress.

"Where you going?" She asks, walking into the bathroom. "WOAH! Stef!! You look hot!" She says, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you love ! " I say , smiling.

"So???" She looks at me questioningly. "Who's the date with?" She laughs.

"It's not a date Sarah!!" I slap her arm and my cheeks start to burn. I look in the mirror and I'm blushing. Why am I blushing? It's only Leo.

"Okay...well...have fun. Be home before 12 am , no drinking and driving." She says, acting as my mom.

"Yes ma'am." I laugh. I grab my handbag and walk toward the door. I pause and take a deep breath.

I'm about to learn about my babies.


{Leo's POV}

"Well I'm about to go to dinner. I can't. No , Scarlett I can not. This is important." I say into the phone. Scarlett is asking me to FaceTime. She says it's important.

"Scarlett I've got to go. I'm at my destination. I love you but I can't right now." I say. She exchanges her goodbye and then hangs up.

I get out of the car in front of the hotel that Stef told me she was in. As I pull my jacket out of the backseat, I hear her voice.

"Nice car. I see you got rid of the old one." I turn and she runs her palm across the hood.

"It's at home actually. Just needs some work done." I say, reaching out to open the door. She grabs my hand and I freeze. She looks me in the eyes and then wraps her arms around me in a tight hug.

"Thank you so much Leo." She whispers into my chest.

"You're more than welcome." I say, squeezing her tight and stroking her hair. Her touch makes my chest do flips. When she releases me, the feeling goes away. I long for her touch.

{Angelina's POV}

"Why won't he answer!" I scream as I dial my fathers number again.

"He's at dinner. He'll call later." Scarlett says, stirring the pasta.

"Unless he forgets like he always does." Rosalia mumbles under her breath.

"He doesn't ALWAYS forget." Scarlett says, wrapping her arms around me in a hug. I'm working on homework since we have to go back to school because my dad isn't here anymore.

"I need to talk to him about something." I whisper.

"What is it love?" Scarlett asks, kissing the top of my head and walking back over to the stove.

"N-nothing." I say, wishing I hadn't even said anything in the first place.

"Angelina just forget it." Rosalia says, rolling her eyes and walking out of the room.

{Gaga's POV}

"I have to tell you something." He says, as I sip my Pinot Grigio.

"Anything." I say, setting my glass down and lacing my fingers together.

He looks at me and then down at the table. He twiddles his thumbs and then looks at me again. "I haven't told them." He says.

I feel a sting in my chest. "So they have no idea who I am?" I ask, my voice cracks.

"Well...Angelina has always been fond of your music." He says. I frown, thinking about my Angel listening to my voice but not knowing that I'm singing for her.

"And Rosalia?" I ask.

"She knows of you but isn't like a super fan or anything." He says, coughing.

I take a sip of my wine again and then look down at the table. I feel his warm hand wrap around mine.

"It's okay, Stef. I'm going to tell them. That's why I wanted to talk to you tonight." He says. I look up.

"I want you to come home with me tomorrow morning." He says. "I want you to meet your girls."

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