Chapter 9 : Mom

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{Angelina's POV}

"Mom..." I whisper inaudibly. My dad looks at me. 

"Angel, you love Lady Gaga. Whats wrong?" He asks, tilting his head. I look at him for a short moment but can't help staring at Lady Gaga. My Idol. Right in front of me. She looks at Rose and then back at me and our eyes meet. I quickly look away but I feel her eyes lingering.

"They're beautiful." I hear her say. She walks up to my father and puts her hand on his shoulder.

"Leo!" Scarlett runs in and jumps on him. Gaga looks flustered and confused. When Scarlett kisses him she completely turns away and looks at me and Rose again.

"Nice to meet you..... Miss. Gaga?" Rose says, stepping forward.

"Just Gaga. Please. Or Stefani. Or Stef. Or M-" She pauses and looks away. "Mother Monster."

"Nice save."  I think.

"So Gaga. Got any kids?" I ask, crossing my arms. Rosalia hits my arm. Gaga looks taken aback.

"N-no." She says softly. I just want to run to her right now and tell her she doesn't have to lie anymore.

"Dinner is ready. Who's this?" Scarlett asks, looking at Gaga.

"Ah...uh...a friend. Stefani. Lady Gaga." My dad says, putting his hand on Scarlett's back.

"Lady Gaga? Wow! I like your music!" Scarlett says, going in for a hug. Gaga looks awkward as she puts her arms around Scarlett. "I'm Leo's girlfriend. Scarlett." She says, pulling back to introduce herself.

"Girlfriend?" She looks at my dad then back at Scarlett. "You look so good you could be a daughter!" Gaga laughs uncomfortably. I can tell she feels out of place. I decide to try and save her. 

"Wanna come see my posters?" I ask, grabbing her hand and leading her away before she even answers. When I touch her hand it feels soft. Natural. Right. I see her smile out of the corner of my eye.

"Woah! Big fan?" She asks, stepping into Rose and I's room seeing the walls on my side covered with her pictures from different tours and things. She stops in front of a signed poster from ArtRAVE. "Did me? Did I sign this?" She points and looks at me. 

"I went to ArtRAVE but no I didn't meet you. I wish. My dad got that signed for me a while back." I say. She nods and looks back at the poster. She moves along the wall looking at all the different items, dating all the way back to The Fame. She picks up a bottle of her perfume and sprays a little on her wrist. 

"I almost forgot what this smelled like. I haven't seen it in so long." She takes a huge whiff while closing her eyes. I study her face as she smiles. She's even more beautiful in person.

"So..." I say, crossing my arms and sitting on my bed. "What's your biggest secret?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as she looks in my direction.

"HA! Wow! You don't hesitate do you." She laughs and sets down the perfume bottle. She comes and sits next to me on the bed. She looks around and fiddles with her fingers uncomfortable. I can tell she's hiding something. And I know exactly what it is. She looks down at my blanket and runs her hand over the soft fabric. "It wouldn't very well be a secret if I told you, now would it?" She smiles a small smile and I just look at her, longing for her to accept me as hers. I've never known anyone as a mother and all I want is for her to claim me. Even just admitting it. That would be enough.


{Gaga's POV}

I remember Leo sending me that ARTPOP poster to sign. He said it was urgent so I made sure I signed it and sent it back as my first priority. Anything for him. I didn't really put two and two together that the poster could be for one of my daughters. 

As I sat on Angelina's bed I felt her stare burning into the sides of my face. Her beautiful eyes that I longed to look deep into and tell her how much I love her and her sister. I know Leo said we are gonna tell the girls but I just don't know when. Also Scarlett. I had no idea Leo had a girlfriend. We never would've done what we did...

"I bet I could guess your secret." Angelina says, looking down at my peace sign tattoo on my wrist. 

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow as she studies the ink and runs a finger over it. 

"Yep." She says, looking up. I look up at her and she stares into my soul. 

"Try me." I smirk. Her face stays like stone.

"You have two teenage daughters named Angelina and Rosalia that you gave up for adoption." 

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