Part 9

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Published  19/01/18  I know its a really late, but i have been quite busy... Thanks for 88 readsssss!!!!!!!! okay read on...

(Not the real term dates)

Its the day before winter break, Friday 14th December, exactly 1 month after Alexia's birthday. Snow has been falling for the past few days. Brandon has a plan to ask Alexia to be his girlfriend. There's just 1 problem he doesn't know how.... Brandon had thought of many ways to ask this delicate question, and how it could possibly ruin all the chemistry he had with Alexia.

By the end of lunch everyone had took their trays to the counter and was walking to the next lesson. Alexia and Brandon were walking towards the lecture theatre, where the teacher was waiting and greeting everyone... The only thing on Brandon's mind was Alexia. how was he going to ask Alexia. How was he gonna ask alexia to be his girlfriend?

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