Part 28

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Alexia's P.O.V

Wednesday afternoon, 2 weeks after returning from Wisconsin, under 5 days until graduation.

I had already had 6 exams this week, I had took 2 today and now I was prepping for my last exam. I glanced down at my revision book and began to calculate a page of maths equations. Brandon was taking his final music exam, so I was on my own for a few hours. I had my music playing quietly so it wasn't slient but it wasn't too loud either. I saw the clock turn to 11:30am so I decided to make my way down to the exam hall.

Around 2 hours later, I made my way back to the dorm room. I unlocked the door and went to the phone machine to check for messages.

'You have 1 new voice message. Message from Brandon Knight at 12:45pm.'

' Hey princess, I finished my exam. I'm in the city, just needed to get a few things. will text when I'm heading back. I love you, see you soon.'

I decided to watch tv for a bit well I waited and not long after, Brandon appeared. He was holding a love heart shaped box of chocolates and 3 roses.

"Get changed, we are going out" Brandon smirked. " Oh and wear something fancy."

college loveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant