Part 12

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originally published on the 14/02/18 

(This is the second part of part 11 ) Its very hard to write from a boys P.O.V haha... Please read the new lines of the previous chapter: Part 11 (1)

Next Day (7th Feb, exactly a week before valentines day...)

Brandon and Alexia were walking to class holding hands. Brandon walked over to the notice board, Alexia followed. Alexia looked for upcoming exams, whereas Brandon scanned the notice board quickly, he found a poster labelled ' Valentine's day couple dance, 14th Feb!' Brandon glanced at Alexia and remembered her long, purple dress, she wore on her birthday. Still looking at alexia, he thought about taking Alexia to the dance.

A:"what are you looking at?" Alexia asked softly

B:"Just thinking.... about you and this couple dance."

A:"what couple's dance?"

B: "I was going to take you.... if you wanted to go..."

A: I'll go, seems as I am your girlfriend now."

Brandon's P.O.V

Those words hit me harder than any bullet could, however it was a good thing. I was glad to have Alexia in my life; and I wouldn't know what to do if I lost her.

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