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In the end, Elliot decided to keep Kathy home until her funeral. A cooler had already been installed underneath the coffin on Saturday. On top of that Elliot would need to keep the heating down in the living room at all times. All arrangements were taken care of by Mr Foster. Olivia went back home Sunday evening and back to work on Monday, after checking up on Elliot that morning. She called him on Tuesday and Wednesday evening, making sure he was eating properly, not drinking too much and getting some sleep. She thought it would be good to give him time alone with Kathy's body, so he could say goodbye properly. He also received several of Kathy's friends who came to pay their respects. Olivia agreed to come to the house early on Thursday. Lucy would pick up Noah from day care and stay with him at her place until she called. Then she would bring him over to the Stabler home. Elliot had asked her to come back to the house with them after the funeral and she had agreed, thinking Kathy would have wanted her to.

Olivia decided to wear a classical outfit: a white blouse on a black skirt that ended just below the knee, black high-heeled pumps and a black blazer. It was spring but it was still chilly so she decided on a warm black overcoat, the same length as her skirt. She pinned her dark hair up loosely so she wouldn't fiddle with it all day. It would be an emotional day and she would try to stay in the background, perhaps looking after Eli a bit. Elliot's grandchildren would not be there during the day.

When she arrived at the Stabler house, it was already filled with a lot of people. The bearers were preparing to take Kathy to the hearse after the coffin would be ceremoniously closed. The entire family was there from both sides, including Elliot's mother, and several of Kathy's friends. Olivia hardly knew any of them and did not bother to remember all the names. She tried to ignore the glances she was getting, as people must be wondering who she was exactly. Everyone spoke softly and all conversations were kept very brief so there was no room for elaborate introductions anyway.

Elliot must have noticed she was feeling a bit out of place and walked over to her. He looked tired but still very handsome in his black suit. He was clean-shaven now and looked much more like the Elliot she had worked with for so long. She smiled faintly and he returned the smile. His hand on her lower back was comforting and a little disconcerting at the same time. He said nothing but his gratitude was in his eyes.

Then Mr Foster, who would personally lead the funeral, asked for everyone's attention. He explained that the coffin would now be closed and asked for Elliot and the children to gather around it. Afterwards, Kathy would be carried outside, directly followed by the immediate family. They would be paired up, Elliot first with Eli, then Maureen and her husband Harrison, followed by Kathleen, Elizabeth and Richard. Olivia was asked if she would accompany Bernadette, Elliot's mother, who would walk directly behind the children. After that, Kathy's family and friends would follow and finally the others who were present.

Olivia watched as Elliot and his children were allowed to take one final look at their beloved wife and mother before the coffin was closed forever. She swallowed hard as she saw a shudder going through Elliot's body, his broad shoulders shaking before he took a few deep breaths to get his emotions under control. Kathleen and Elizabeth both put their arms around him and Maureen held her husband tight. She saw Richard holding his little brother and was deeply moved by the scene. A lot of people were crying and Olivia wished she could just hold on to someone as well. Then she felt and arm around her waist. It was Bernadette. She looked up at her son's former partner and smiled, tears in her eyes. Olivia put her arm around the older lady and they stood together in silence.

A little later, they all headed for the church. The service was very formal but warm at the same time. There were several speakers who were clearly not used to speaking at such an occasion. Elliot stood beside young Eli while the boy recited a poem dedicated to his mother. While Eli spoke softly but calmly, Olivia could see Elliot clenching his jaw, clearly struggling. Bernadette took her hand, probably needing some comfort while her heart broke for her son. "I'm so glad you are here," she whispered to Olivia. She had not seen Elliot's mother again after she had convinced her to speak with Kathleen after her arrest years ago, but she guessed Bernadette knew she had always had a good rapport with her working partner. Still, Olivia wished this day would be over. She had promised Kathy she would support Elliot but that did not mean she had to enjoy it. Funerals were so depressing.

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