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"Mom, it's not really that big of a deal." 

"Honey, I really don't like the thought of you working at such a young age. The reason you father and I work so hard is so that you don't have to do this." My mother complained, trying to change my mind about getting a job.

"Mom, I understand that. I just want a taste of the real world. And on the plus side I won't ask you for money anymore. It works on your's and I's behalf."

I've been trying to get a job for a while now. Turns out that every store in my local mall doesn't like to hire inexperienced sixteen year old girls. Wow, who would have known. But I had finally found a place that would hire me, considering it's quite small and in a quaint neighborhood. A car washing business.

"Honey, you won't even make much. It's not worth it to break your back cleaning cars for minimum wage." my mother sighed.

"Mom, it's not even about money. It's about getting myself established in the workforce and getting used to schedules and the hours and everything. Mom, please just sign it." I begged.

Since I was a minor, I had to get my parent's permission on this permission slip they gave me. 

"Imogene, please think this through. This job is for the whole three months of summer. And possibly permanent. You won't have time to spend with friends, you won't go to the beach like everyone else, and you won't get to have those all nighters you love so much." My mother lists. 

"Mom, I have my day offs for spending time with friends at the beach. And long nighters can be unhealthy. I really want to do this."

She sighs once again before clicking her pen and positioning at the line which reads Parent or Gaurdian's Signature.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She questions once again, looking up from the slip and loking me in the eyes.

"Positive." I grin. 

"Okay, honey." She huffs before she signs her signature on the slip slowly. She hands the paper to me. "You have to act responsibly if you are going to keep this job, and if your boss wants to keep you employed.

I nod quickly. "Of course."


Today is the first day of working at the car wash. I wake up bright and early. I'm actually looking very forward to my first day.

I don't know what to really expect and what to wear so I settle on wear a loose gray v-neck top tucked into black high waisted shorts and black chucks.

"They'll probably give you a collared work shirt." My mother's voice repeats in my conscience. 

I pull my hair into a quick high ponytail and wear a bit of concealer and mascara. I don't want to look to dressed up, but not too gross.

I sit at the old grainy dinner table. I settle for a bowl of Cheerios. I ate quickly, although I didn't finish. The anxiety I had brewing within the pits of my stomach stopped me from consuming anymore before I threw up the small sticky wheels.

My mother is sitting in her bed absorbed in a silly unrealistic novella. I roll my eyes before I peck her powdered cheek.

"Bye, mom." I rasped. My throat was cracking for the lack of breakfast I consumed and of course, hoarse from the morning. 

"You sure about this?" she asks once again, putting her book down.

I nod my head and check the time on my phone for the millionth time.

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