Maybe V does have a crush on you. Part 1 and 2

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Maybe V does have a crush on you part 1:

It was dark and very hard to see, then you switched on the lights and saw Jin and Suga, laughing their heads off.

"LOL! WE TOTALLY SCARED YOU!" Suga exclaimed.

"Guys! I could of had a HEART-ATTACK! Why would you just sneak outside and scare people like that! Espiecially since I'm a guest!" you screamed.

"You're not a guest to me..." Suga said.

You facepalmed yourself, and snuggled back to sleep. 

When it was morning, at 9:00, it was your turn to make breakfast, lunch and dinner today.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" you asked.

" Egg sandwhich please!" Jin shouted.

"Me too!" Jimin added in.

"Me three!" Suga exclaimed.

"We'll just have Bacon and eggs again." Rap Monster said taking the order for Jungkook, V and J-Hope.

"Okay! It will be done in less than 10 minutes!" you said.

When you were in the kitchen, you had trouble making the orders as there was alot of things to do in the kitchen. V went up to you and asked, "You need any help with cooking?"

"Just a little..." you said.

"Here, let me help!" V said.

You and V had  a romantic time together cooking when you saw Jungkook peeking, it looked like he felt a bit worried. You smiled at him, and V looked at Jungkook with a happy face. It felt like they were fighting over you, but you didn't know who to choose. When Jungkook stepped in the kitchen, you ran up to him and hugged him, he hugged back. V was looking pretty angry.

V went up to you and Jungkook and pulled you away from him. 

"Why did you do that for V? She could of gotten hurt!" Jungkook screamed.



"OKAY STOP!" you screamed. "Both of you just can't fight over me, look V, Jungkook may had ignored me, but we're still friends, it's just that we have times together. And Jungkook, V may had helped me cook, but we spend time together as well."

"Ceana, I need to talk with you for a second. You stay here V, I don't want you to do anything." Jungkook ordered.

As you and Jungkook went into the room where you and Jungkook sleep in, Jungkook asked, "What are you doing with him?"


Jungkook asked, "What are you doing with him?"

Maybe V does have a crush on you Part 2:

"I just needed some help from him that's all, why do you have to care?" you asked.

"Because I have a crush on you..." Jungkook said walking away. There you stood silently, you started blushing a little. You missed your family alot so you went to call them.

"Hello this is 14 Sity Street how may I help you?"

"Mum, it's me Ceana, are you at home?"

"OMG! Is that really you Ceana? Where are you? I'm very sorry I locked you outside!" your mum apoligised.

"Nevermind, I'll be heading home soon, I'm living with BTS right now since it will b a long way home!" 

"I just want you to be safe." your mum said.

"Okay! Bye! and say hi to Minah for me, I'm about to call her right now!" 

"Okay! BAII!" 

Then you called your best friend Minah, who was obsessed with shopping.

"Hello Minah speaking!"

"Minah! It's me Ceana, this is really impossible to believe but I'm in the place BTS live in..."

"OMG!! CONTINUE PLEASE!" Minah said impaitiently.

"I'm sorry to say this but Jungkook has a crush on me and maybe V does, they have been fighting over me today..." you explained.

"NO WAY! Jungkook has a crush on you! That's amazing! A popstar has a crush on an ordinary school girl! Ceana! You're going to become popular!" 

"Well he hasn't really asked me out yet so why should I care. I mean every awkward silence he would stare at me. I'm a really BIG fan of EXO and I'm willing to meet them. Jungkook and I are like the same age really..." you said.

"Your perfect for each other! Same age and he even has a crush on you! Ask him! He is just shy!"

"Okay! I'll call you back ;)" 

Off you went to see Jungkook, you shyly sitting next to him.

"ummm... Jungkook, do you want to go out?"


Chapter 5 will be coming out soon! Just enjoy this for now :D 

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