We Can Hear Their Hearts Beating as One...The Struggle for Trost Part 4

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"You Know I Love You" by Donell Jones. Their love. Everyone knows! Even in their titan forms.

Kairi's POV
Everyone heads out and Mina race towards the roof with Armin and Ava. I was holding Mikasa's hand and we ran together to roof. Alayna, Reiner, Bertolt, Namine, Annie, Blake, Lelia, Jean, and Thomas ran after us.
"We have to leave!" Thomas cries.
"What is this?" Ava asks.
"What? Cannibalism?" Armin asks.
"So, What? They're titans." Jean said.
"I thought they was the keys for Humanity to fight back." Mikasa said.
She squeezes my hand and I squeeze back.
"We have to save them." Lelia said.
"Are you serious?" Mina asked.
"Lelia is right, they're too unique to just let them die." Reiner said.
"Hey! That the titan that tried to eat me!" Thomas points at the titan.
The male titan frees itself and attacks it. Ripping the nape off with its teeth. The female one fought the titans that was eating her legs.
"E-Eren!" The female titan said.
"What? She said Eren's name!" Jean cried.
"She talked?" Bertolt said.
Mikasa didn't say anything and looks at me. I look at her and hug her. We saw the two titans walk towards each other and...ummm.....kiss each other.
"What the fuck is this shit?" Alayna yells.
"Can titans have mates?" Annie asks.
"No." Bertolt said.
Both titans fell to the ground. I grab my blade and look at Mikasa.
"I'll call you when I notice something, okay?"
"Yeah." Mikasa kiss my lips and I jump off.
I saw Kyra emerging from her titan. She coughed. Kyra, then, passes out. I grab her and I saw Eren emerging from his titan. I had tears in my eyes. He was alive?!? I should have known when he kissed Kyra.
"MIKASA! KYRA AND EREN ARE ALIVE!" I yell out as I sob for them.
Mikasa join me and hug Eren. She listen to his heartbeat and look at me.
"I knew the female titan is Kyra but.." Mikasa couldn't finish that sentence and cried with me.
I told Mikasa about my past and home life and she cried with me about that. This brought back memories. I know she knew about Kyra but I think it when she saved Mrs. Yeager.
We brought them to the roof and Armin grabbed Eren's hand and cried. Ava did too.
"So, Eren and Kyra did this?" Jean asks.
"But how?" Thomas asks.

Unknown POV
I notice Eren emerging from his Titan form. I should have known that Eren's father gave him his Titan powers. That damn doctor!
"Sam, what are we gonna do now?" Astrid asked me.
"I'll come up with something. Get everyone and tell them that we are having a meeting."
Eren, what did your father tell you?

.......Earlier That Day..........

Tabitha's POV
I slice that titan that was eating Maddie. She reminded me of Kisa.
"Tabby, come here!" Levi calls me.
I fly over there with the rest of the squad.
"Petra, Isabel, both of you tend to our injured comrade below. Eld, Gunther, Farlan, handle the one on the right. Tabby, not like I need it, but assist me with the pair on the left."
"I knew you would say some shit like that but fine." I hissed.
"SIR!" Everyone said as me and shortie took off. I transform into my demon form with my dark knight sword.

"I know you probably can't help being hideous, but I can't help being tired of looking at you

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"I know you probably can't help being hideous, but I can't help being tired of looking at you." Levi said.
"You gonna experience hell in whole other way!" I hissed.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to transform?" Levi asks.
"It's better this way, now focus!" I told him.
I swung high and flew down to slice the nape off with my sword.
"See? Is it that bad? Right?" I mock at the dead titan.
I saw Levi throw his blades in its eyes and it roars as it begins to heal its eyes.
"Easy there, big guy, no one has time for a cry baby." Levi took out his new blades, " Let's take it like a man, shall we?"
He jumps up and spins down to kill the titan.
"Well, looks who plays with the kill now?" I teased.
"Ugh. Disgusting." He look down at the blood.
I took my clean cloth and hand it to him. He blush as he took it.
"Thanks." He said.
"Yeah, no problem." I blush as well.
That's why I hate him. He has given me these fucking feelings. For him. Petra tease me for it even though she has a crush on him. I hate him.
We head down to see Petra and Isabel with the comrade who was dying.
"Captain, we can't stop the bleeding." Petra said.
"He's dying quickly." Isabel said.
"Did this make a difference? W-was I h-helpful?" The dying man asked.
I feel tears coming from my eyes.
"We've made great strides today, Solider. And tomorrow, because of you. Your strength won't die with you. The torch will be carried on. By me, this I swear! On my very life, the titans will be eradicated!" Levi told him.
"Sir, I'm sorry...He's.." Petra said.
"Did the man hear what I had to say?" Levi said, "Any of it?"
"Yes, big bro, matter of fact, I think he heard all of it. Look at him, that's a face of peace." Isabel said.
"Let's all hope of that." I respond.
I slice a titan on the other street while dodging another one. I play with it and killed it.
I head back when I spot Erwin and Lee heading over here. I fix myself up and meet up with others.
"We're pulling out." Lee said.
"What?" Isabel asks.
"Sir?" Petra asks.
"What do you two mean?" Levi asks, " You two damn well know we can push further. My men didn't die to pave our retreat."
"There's a swan of titans moving north. They are bearing down on the city. It's just like five years ago. Something tells me...it's going to just as bad. For all we know the wall has already been reduced to rubble." Erwin said.
I knew the other girls were there.
'I hope you guys are all okay!'

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