8. Confringo

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Third Person POV

Albus Dumbledore simply sat as he looked out the window, his eyes taking in the scenery of the school grounds.

"Are you even paying attention to me, Dumbledore?" he heard the incredulous voice. Dumbledore turned, half smiling towards the ruffled looking Cornelius Fudge.

"Yes, I am, Cornelius," he said gently, as he stroked the top of Fawke's head. The bird hummed in contentment. "My mind has wandered recently."

"You don't understand, what am I supposed to do?" Fudge fretted, "they say that Grindelwald's daughter escaped from St. Mungo's! What will happen to the people? They will think I am some half handed lunatic sitting in the Minister's chair!" He breathed heavily, looking at Dumbledore imploringly.

"Don't worry about it, Cornelius," he said, "for now, keep the Daily Prophet at bay. Adeline Robins will not pose a threat, you forget that she was once one of my own students. She is not a crazed murderer on a killing spree."

Fudge forced himself to nod as he took a deep breath. "I am in your hands, Dumbledore." Exchanging a nod to the aged wizard, the younger hurried out as Albus Dumbledore sat unflinchingly as a familiar figure followed a heartbeat after.

Pale, arched cheekbones and jet black hair was seen first, then those cold penetrating blue eyes. Albus settled himself in his chair, just looking at the boy who left Hogwarts, threatening to destroy him. Dumbledore could sense the dark power emanating from his presence. Yet, underneath all of the polished handsomeness, there was that same spark of darkness concealed carefully with the layered charm.

"Professor Dumbledore," the latter acknowledged and upon taking the sign from Dumbledore, sat down.

 "Would you like something to drink?" Dumbledore asked easily. 

 "Very much so, yes, I have come quite a way." 

  Flicking his wand, Dumbledore conjured a bottle of wine and poured a generous measure for both himself and Tom Riddle. 

"So Tom....to what do I owe the pleasure?" 

 The man sitting across from him took a moment to sip his wine before answering, "They do not call me 'Tom' anymore. These days, I am known as—" 

 "I know what you are known as," Dumbledore smiled, "But to me, I am afraid, you will always be Tom Riddle. It's one of the irritating things about old teachers. I am afraid they never quite forget their charges' youthful beginnings." He raised his glass, the red liquid shining like blood for a split second, almost as if toasting Voldemort, who's face remained stoic and expressionless. Dumbledore made it clear that he wasn't about to let Voldemort dictate the terms of this meeting. 

  "I am surprised you have remained here for so long," Voldemort said after a short pause, his voice smooth, "I always wondered why a wizard such as yourself would never wish to leave the school." 

  Dumbledore looked at him. "There is a certain happiness that comes with teaching and honing the young minds of each generation," he said, "if I remember correctly, you too saw the attraction of a teaching post." 

  "I see it still," Voldemort answered, "I merely wondered why you are so often asked for advice by the Ministry—" his eyes narrowed as he recalled the blathering fool who had the seat of power, "and who have twice, been offered the post of Minister—"

  "Three times at the last count, actually," Dumbledore said pleasantly, "but the Ministry never struck me as an able career. Another similarity between us perhaps?" 

  Voldemort inclined his head, his lips grim as he took another draught of wine. Moments ticked by as Dumbledore waited for his former student to respond. "I have come here—"he began, "perhaps later than Dippet expected, but I have decided to reapply for the post that he told me that I was too young to have. I have come out you so that you may permit me to return to this castle, this home of mine, to teach. I think you know what I have seen and done, I promise that your students shall not want for anything. They will learn things from me that they will never learn from any other wizard."

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