Like the Horizon

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I wake up in a strange place.  I've never been here, but I know where I am.  I  am in the Empress' torture chamber.  I am not scared.  I knew that I would end up here at some point.  I just didn't think that it would take her this long to find me.

The Empress walks away from her corner. 

"Hello, Bitch," I say.  I spit at her feet.

She pulls out a rock that was living in her pocket and throws it at my face. The rocks punches me in the mouth.

I spit at her again. This time, my spit contains blood, and it lands on her cheek.

"Before you even ask," I tell her, "I am not going to tell you anything, whether I know what you want or not."

"I have methods of making people talk," says the Empress with an evil glint in her eye.  She pulls out a knife and presses it against my thigh. 

"Last chance to tell me where the map is, Bitch," the Empress informs me.

"I'm good," I say with a shrug.

She pushes the knife into my thigh.

I cry out in agony.  The pain is excruciating.  I refuse to give the Empress what she wants, though.  I must remain a set of steel doors that won't let anything get past them.

"Tell me where the map is," says the Empress through gritted teeth.

"Eh," I tell her. "I could tell you where it is...or I couldn't."

She twists the knife in my thigh.

I scream at the top of my lungs.

The Empress quickly pulls the knife out of my leg. She then stabs me in my other thigh.

As she twists the knife, the Empress says, "I knew that I would find you, Alice."

My screaming is never ending. It is like a circle, in a sense. I don't remember when my screaming started, and I can't tell when it will stop.

My screaming is like the sky; it seems to never end. It is like the horizon; it is never ending. It is like the pain; it seems to never end.

She pulls the knife out of my leg and stabs me in my upper arm.

"Tell me where the map it, Alice!" the Empress screams at me.

"Never!" I yell back.

She pulls out the knife and starts to continuously stab my arms and legs.





It never ends. It like a circle, or the sky, or the horizon, or the pain. It never ends.

"Make it stop!" I beg.  "Just make the the pain stop!"

"I can make it all go away, Alice," she tells me.  "Just tell me where the map is."

"You-you don't need me alive to find the map," I tell her.

"Thank you," she says.

The Empress pulls a syringe out from her back pocket.  The syringe contains nothing in it.  She then pulls the back of it and fills it with air.

"Be still, Alice," she tells me, "and I will make it all go away."

"Thank you," I sigh.

She grabs my forearm.  She pushes the syringe into one of my veins and picked the air into my veins.


A/N  Thank you all for reading! I know that this chapter is pathetically short. I wasn't really feeling this one, but it is necessary for the next chapter.

Sorry that it took so long to update. I write when I feel like it.

This is part three out of the four part thing-a-ma-bob. I will try to have the next part done by Mew Years Day at the latest, no promises, though.

Special thanks to my friend sincerelycarly for informing me of this way of killing someone. It will make more sense in the next chapter.

I hope that everyone had a very merry Christmas!

Well, thanks for reading! Until next time! ;)


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