【China's Masterplan Part 2 of X】

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Wed, Nov 9 4:49 pm

《 Group Message Continued 》

K = Kagura,M = Megane/Shinpachi& S = Sougo

K: Did you know that you don't have to physically kill a person for them to die?

S: Should I get you checked into a mental hospital right now?

K: You can still kill a person by annoying them everyday.

S: And how is that any different from before?

K: Ah, but, that's where you're wrong.

K: I haven't gotten serious until now.

S: What do you mean?

K: Don't you feel like something precious is missing?

Sougo looked down on the bench he was sitting and rummaged through his coat pockets. His sword and badge were still there. There didn't seem to be anything missing. He tried to suppress a sinister smile that was creeping up on his normally deadpan face.

What was she up to?

K: Made you look, BAKA~

《 Photo Delivered 》

Sougo couldn't help but think of how cute this photo was

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Sougo couldn't help but think of how cute this photo was. He even saved it on his phone under a folder titled 'The Many Faces of China'.

Meanwhile, Shinpachi was, once again, a bystander overlooking these two idiots. One was smiling in victory as she continued to crouch behind a large Japanese maple tree trying to get a peek of the one on the bench who was staring intently at his phone. Then, Shinpachi spotted the infamous smile (that was not actually a smile) on Sougo's face.

M: Kagura-chan, I don't think provoking Okita-san is a good idea.

K: Oh shut it, Megane. You worry too much.

S: Yeah, Megane. You worry too much.

S: Also, China, you spelled 'youre dignity' wrong.

S: It should be 'your dignity'.

Shinpachi was, once again, stuck watching these two in agony.

K: Hey Megane!

K: Don't you have something else better to do right now?

M: Oh right! Thanks for reminding me.

M: I have to re-stock aneue's favorite Häagen-Dazs.

M: See you at home Kagura.

M: And see you around, Okita-san.

Megane Has Left The Group

Sougo nodded towards Shinpachi in acknowledgement as Shinpachi headed to convenience store behind Sougo's bench.

Phase 1 complete. On to Phase 2: Get Sadist Off His A*s.

※ End of Chapter 6 ※


A/N: Lol. Just feels like I'm prolonging this now. But I have plan. Kinda. Hahaha. I'm stressed over my final tomorrow. My procrastinating skills are top-notch.

I don't know how many times I'll edit this until I'm satisfied...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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