Esther- אסתר

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Queen Esther is one of the most beloved of the characters in the Old Testament. She is so loved and had such an important role, that a festival was created in her honor, Purim, which is still celebrated by Jews around the world. Esther, born Hadassah, had been raised by her cousin, Mordecai, after her parents died when she was young.

Her story begins when, Xerxes I of Persia divorces his first queen, Vashti. The king had requested her to come before guests he was holding a feast for but she refused, not wanting to be paraded in front of a large crowd of gawping men. Already drunk, he is so incensed by this slight he divorces her. After this he requests for a beauty pageant to be held to chose a beautiful new queen, out of all the women in Persia.

Esther, a young Jewish girl, was taken with a group of a hundred or more young girls to the citadel. A man named, Hegai was put in charge of preparing the women for an audience with the king; Esther's extraordinary beauty caught his eye and she was given special attention and care. However Esther was careful not to tell anyone about her Jewish heritage, just like her cousin had warned her. When it was Esther's turn to see the king, he was instantly attracted to her, decreeing she would be his queen and crowning her. Xerxes than put on a great feast for her, she continued to hide her heritage because she knew if anyone were to discover she was Jewish, she could be put in great danger. 

One night while Mordecai was sitting near the palace gates he overheard two guards, Bigthana and Teresh plotting to assassinate the king. Mordecai quickly went to Esther, informing her of the plot, she passed the news on to her husband, making sure Mordecai received some of the credit for overhearing the plot. Xerxes had the guards hung promptly. Some time later Mordecai refused to bow to the Haman, the highest priest in the Persian empire. Haman found out and he also discovered Mordecai's identity as a Jew and in a fury he ordered the execution of not just Mordecai but all Jews in Persia. Haman told the king how the Jews were opposed to his rule and convinced him to go along with his plan to exterminate all the Jews. 

When Esther received news of this plan from her cousin, she feared for her life, initially refusing to comply to his requests. Eventually, Mordecai convinced his cousin to do something to save their people, she decided to send out an edict, instructing all Jews to join her in fasting for 3 days and 3 nights, then she would approach the king and make her request. After three days had gone by, she went to the king and asked that Haman join her at a banquet the following day and she tells him she has a request that she will make that day. Still infuriated Haman prepares a pole to impale Mordecai on the morning before the banquet. 

That night King Xerxes is unable to sleep, he finds himself reading through records of events in his reign and comes across a page that recounts Mordecai preventing the king's assassination. He immediately feels remorse and wants to reward Mordecai for his great kindness and he summons Haman to ask how he can reward a man who has the king's high esteem and respect. Thinking Xerxes is referring to him, Haman says this man should be rewarded with extravagant gifts and great honor. But the tables turned on Haman when the king informed him the reward wasn't for him but Mordecai, predictably Haman was furious. 

The next day, Esther hosted the banquet and the king asked her what she had wanted to say. She boldly stands and tells him to spare her people and that Haman had plotted to kill the Jews for monetary profit. Xerxes was so angry at Haman he had him hung on the same pole he'd prepared for Mordecai. The king gave Esther and Mordecai Haman's estate and bestowed upon them lavish clothing. Xerxes also had a decree written, that protected all Jews within the empire.

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