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Some kids weren't born with a mother and I was one of them, I didn't know anything about my mother and my dad wouldn't tell me anything. I asked him when he was drunk and he told me that she died after giving birth to me, when he wasn't drunk. He would verbally abuse me and tell me that it was my fault that my mom was gone, he wished that she never got pregnant with me.

After that when he was drunk, he told me he would never hurt his baby girl and that he and my mom wanted to start a family. That they wanted to a baby, either a girl or a boy and he was sorry. This is how our relationship was and how off and on it was with him caring or not caring about me. I was always alone, because my dad never let me outside and never let me venture off to the nearby town. I was broken by how my dad was treating me, always in a emotional mess and everything of it was just miserable.

It was one day that my dad was gone at work and I was in my room, sitting in a corner and crying as usual. Until I heard a calm and quiet echoing voice, "What is wrong, dear child?". I looked up and saw a woman before me, she was tall and had a beautiful appearance. Beautiful long black hair down to her waist and some of her bangs covered her eyes, white porcelain skin, ruby red lips and she wore a black floor length dress with long flowing sleeves and a medium low collar. I wiped away my tears and she went down on her knees, asking me the same question again.

So I told her everything and she listened while wiping away my tears, after I was done she spoke to me ,"I am so sorry to hear that my dear child and where is your mother?". Told her about my mom and I saw the sadness on her face, "I am so sorry for your loss my child." she gently pulled me into her long arms and held me close. Began stroking my hair with comfort, her embrace was warmth and never experienced one before. I started crying again, she cradled me and rocked me back and forth like a baby while saying "Shh" soothingly. She spoke to me again, after I calmed down and stopped crying.

"It pains me deeply knowing what you are going through, my dear child. No innocent childlike should never go through something like this."

The woman never told me her name and so I asked her, "What's your name?".

She looked at me with a warm smile. "My name is MAMA.", it was strange for me to call her by her name and so I asked if it was alright for me call her that. Also if there was another name she would prefer for me to call her by. She told me it was alright for me to call her that and I continued talking to MAMA.

The past few days, MAMA spent time with me everyday and we have gotten close. It was one day that me and MAMA were spending time, my dad came home and heard me talking to me. Went upstairs to my room and opened the door, looked at me and looked around my room. Then he spoke to me, "Who are you talking to you?" and I responded to him "A woman named MAMA." He looked a little bothered by it and asked me what she looked like. I told him what she looked like and I saw a little bit of relief on his face, then he asked "Where did she go?". "She's right here..." I looked at where MAMA was at and she was gone, looked around the room. My father didn't bother to spend anymore time with me and closed the door, after the door was fully shut.

MAMA reappeared and I was relieved that she was back, "Why did you leave?" and she had look of sadness on her face. "I am so sorry my dear child, I did not mean to leave you. But I could not stand being around that awful man.", we continued spending time together and at night I went to my dad. Asked him if he was a little relieved that MAMA didn't look like my mother and he said he was, but only because he didn't want my mother to haunt me because of her death. Then I asked him if he had any pictures of my mother and he said that he couldn't find any, I knew very well that this was a lie and it bothered me so much. Did my own father not want me to know what my mother looked like.

Many days have passed, me and MAMA have gotten closer. There have been more times of my father walking in on me, when I was talking to MAMA and still he didn't care. I didn't care either, I had fully resented my dad and cared more for MAMA. One day, me and MAMA were spending time together. MAMA soon broke the silence, "My dear child, I can no longer stand having to see you live here any longer. A child like you deserves so much more, please my dear child come with me and we can leave this awful place. We can go to a safe haven that I know of and we can spend the rest of our lives together, I can take you under my wing and both raise and care for you. You are like the daughter I never had, please my dear child." I was so happy to hear MAMA say all those kind words, that I couldn't but start crying and I said yes. MAMA pulled me into her arms once again and held me close, she told me that she was so happy to hear that. At night, my dad came into my room drunk and asked me why I kept on spending more time with my imaginary friend instead of him. I told him that MAMA wasn't a imaginary and that she was planning on taking me away from here, after I said that my dad had a face of complete shock.

Without a single word, he grabbed my hand and started dragging me out of my room. I asked what he was doing and he didn't respond, when we got outside. He threw into his car and started driving fast, again I asked him what he was doing and again no respond. It was until we got into town and he drove up to the church, got me out of the car and dragged me into the church.

There was a priest and he greeted us, my dad told him that I was possessed by an evil spirit and he wanted me to be blessed. I was so furious at what my dad said about MAMA and that once he got me to sit down, the priest was about ready to point a cross at me and say the words that I knew he was going to say. I screamed as loud as I could, yelling out "MAMA, help me!!!!!" and suddenly the doors of the church bursted open. There appeared MAMA, I was so happy that she found me and she started walking towards us. She saw my dad and the priest, looked at them with a scorn. My dad stood in front of me and MAMA pushed him out of the way, then the priest stood in front of me and held out the cross at MAMA. It started pushing MAMA and this made me even more mad, why was he trying to make MAMA leave me and so I got up. Went over to one of the tall candlestick holders and grabbed, knocking some of the other candlestick holders. But I didn't care and went up behind the priest and hit him on the back of the head.

Making him fall to the ground and I ran over to MAMA, went into her arms and she down on her legs. I cried as I hugged her, "Are you okay, MAMA?" "Yes my dear child, I'm okay.". I closed my eyes and continued crying, then I reopened my eyes and saw that we were outside. I looked up at MAMA, who was carrying me in her arms and she looked at me with a loving smile. She wiped away my tears and proceeded to turn around, began walking away from the burning church. "We are we going, MAMA?" "We are going to that safe haven that I told you about." "Okay, MAMA." and as MAMA walked away, we were engulfed by the darkness of the night and disappeared like the wind.

The townspeople screamed and watched in horror as the church continued burning, as the firefighters arrived and put out the flames. Some of the church was burned down to the ground, when the firefighters went into the remains of the church to find bodies. They found three bodies and soon discovered who the three bodies were, one was the priest, second was the father and third was the father's daughter.

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