Undead Eater

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I cannot feel anything. For as long as I can remember from my human life till now, I have never be able to feel anything and it is something that I consider apart of me, the things that I cannot feel is pain, sadness, happiness, love or any other emotion which is consider to be humane.

So I'm pretty much considered to be a zombie, I really don't care about it and don't really care for anything else but the endless hunger that I have. You're probably thinking that it's not possible for a someone to turn into a zombie, but actually it is when the right experiments and chemicals are given. If you are curious of how I became what I am today, then I guess I'll tell you from what I can remember.

I don't exactly remember what my real name is or when I was born, along with my childhood and everything else of my past. All I can remember was that I used to be a prostitute in the downtown area of a town, one day I had a interesting customer and he wasn't any of my usual customers. He drove up to me in a black Lamborghini and dressed up in some really fancy clothes, I got in and we drove to a nearby alley way. We did business and he dropped me off back in my same usual spot, when he payed me. He didn't give me 20 or 40 bucks, but about 70 bucks and I asked him why he gave me this much money.

He said it was because of how good I was and of my looks, then he drove off and I didn't think much of it. The next couple of days, he would come every now and then show up. We did business and he payed me the same amount of money, then left. It was until one day he came as usual and I got in his car, but instead of driving over to a nearby alley way.

He continued driving and I asked where we were going, his only reply was somewhere special and we were silent for the rest of the drive. Within a couple of minutes, we were in uptown and soon drove up to the driveway of a large mansion. Took me inside and he soon told me that he was apart of a mafia, asked me if I would stay and be his woman. I said yes and he showed me where his bedroom was, along the way. He told about how pleased he was with my answer and that he would do many things for me, like buying me the things that I wanted and many other things.

Days went by and things were good between me and him, I continued my job as a prostitute and kept the secret of me being in a relationship with a member of a mafia. I got another interesting customer just like the mafia member I was with and I did business with him, but during the time I was doing it. He said that he heard from another prostitute that I was in a relationship with the mafia member that was enemies with him since he was apart of another mafia, I told him that it was just a rumor and he supposedly took it.

Two days passed, I continued spending time with the mafia member and nothing really happened. Until the third day, I was out doing usual business as a prostitute. When suddenly the mafia member came driving and he stopped his car making the tires screech, he got out and didn't say anything. Grabbed my arm and opened the passenger door, threw me inside and got in. Drove off and he started speeding off, I asked him what was wrong and he slapped me across the face. Telling me to shut up and called me a "fucking whore", proceed to drive. We arrived at an abandoned building and he rolled down his window, stuck out his left hand and snapped two times.

A group of men, dressed in black suits came outside and opened the passenger door. Grabbed me and dragged me outside, began dragging me to the abandoned building and the mafia member started talking. "I think you know what's wrong." I told that I didn't, then he slapped me across the face again and yelled at me "Yes, you do you fucking whore. You were with that rat from the other mafia." I didn't answer.

Once we were inside of the building, he told me that I was going to pay for betraying him and the men proceeded to put me in a cage. The mafia member said that three scientists were going to come over and start doing some experiments on me, this was going to be what I deserve. The three scientists came and started doing their experiments on me, for the next many days I was trapped and used as a test subject. The experiments were horrible to the point that I can't describe them. Each one I felt a change inside of me, it was until a realized that I was changing more and more.

I started eating bits of flesh off my own body, took out my left eyeball and ate it. Even took off the bottom half of my right ear and ate it as well, when scientists saw this. One of them said with glee in his voice "Ah, I see the cannibalism is kicking in." and another thing that started happening to me, was I saw that as days went by and the experiments continued. My skin slowly started turning green and the places of where I took off some of my own flesh didn't heal, also when the experiments occurred. I didn't feel anything from it, no longer felt my body ached in pain from each one and didn't even feel my heartbeat anymore.

One of the scientists gave me the subject name "Undead Eater" as a interesting name for zombie, days passed and I now was no longer human. I could still think and speak, even soon decided that I was going to leave this place. The day I decided to end it all, the scientists arrived to continue doing experiments on me and when they came inside. One of them spoke to me and I didn't answer, I layed on the floor of the cage lifeless and they spoke to me again. Again I didn't answer, then one of the bodyguards walked over to the cage and shook it. "Hey! he's talking to you! Piece of shit!" I didn't move at all, another scientist spoke "Looks like she's dead." and decided to dispose me. One of the bodyguards, opened the cage and reached his hand in to grab me.

I took the advantage, quickly lifted my head up and bit his hand. Tearing off a huge chunk of his flesh and eating it, he screamed in pain. Holding his hand in pain and backing away, before he could do anything. I lunged at him, grabbing his shoulders and biting into his neck. Tearing off a huge chunk of flesh like I did to his hand and blood started gushing out, I could feel blood fill my mouth as I ate the flesh and it was delicious.

The other bodyguard and the scientists looked at me in complete horror, I started walking towards them. The bodyguard took out his gun and shoots me in the head, I fall to the ground and there is silence. They all stay frozen in place and waiting to see if I was alive, then the bodyguard turns and starts telling one of the scientists to go and call the mafia member. As he's doing that I slowly rise up and pull the bullet out of my forehead, one of the scientists see me and yells at the bodyguard that I'm still alive. Before he can react, I lung at him and bite his neck. He screams out in pain and falls to the ground, I stand up and look at the scientists. All looking at me in complete fear.

I lung at one scientist, bit his neck and the other two scientists started running towards the doors. I grabbed the closet one by the back of his lab coat collar and quickly pulled him back, he screamed out to the other to help him. But I bit his neck, let him fall to the ground and as the last one was about to reach the door handle. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him back, he begged for me to let him go. Pulled him far from the door and back to where he was leaning backwards, I stared at him and the fear in his eyes.

Bit his neck and he screamed in pain, began feasting on him and soon the other corpses. Time passed and the doors opened, it was the mafia member and he saw what I did to the corpses. There was fear and horror on his face, I watched him from the darkness of the building. He began looking around to see if I was still around, found my cage and saw it was open. Fear grew more on his expression and started looking around rapidly, until I decided to reveal myself to him. Got onto one of the lab tables and my shadow loomed over him, he turned around and saw me. Looked at me the same way as the others did, I was covered in blood and it was dripping off of my body. I quickly pounced on him like a animal and began eating his flesh as he screamed in pain like the others.

After I was done feasting on him, I proceeded to look for my clothes. Luckily I found them, a black strapless leg-length dress, a long dark red overcoat and a pair of black high heels. I put them on and went outside, went over to the mafia member's car and got inside. Looked for my purse and found it, took out my makeup and started putting it on. Looking in the rearview mirror and began putting on mascara, as I was putting it on. I saw that my right eye still had it's brown iris, then I put on red lipstick and made sure that it didn't get on the gash of my bottom lip. Which was half way close to the right end side of it and after I was done putting on my makeup, I threw out the rest of the makeup that I didn't need.

Brushed my platinum blonde hair back with my hairbrush, until it was clean and smooth. Gathered up my two things of makeup and hairbrush, put them in my purse and decided to look for a box of cigarettes along with a lighter, found both new ones in the glove box and took them. Got out of the car and started walking, while opening the box of cigarettes and taking a cigar out with lighting it. Put the cigar box and lighter back in my purse, started smoking as I walked and I knew that I was going to be starting a whole new life as a zombie with a new name. Undead Eater.

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