You're safe...

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Ay yo yo yo yo what time is it?

One shot time!

... I'll go home.

I'm feeling inspired to write for once wow. Writing isn't my specialty and I'm not that good at it but eh.. have this cheesy mild angst anyway

"Jacky!" I called as I entered the house, holding some flowers and a small box. No response. I sighed before making my way to the bedroom. There, the man I love was staring blankly at the wall. "Hi, Jack," I whispered, kissing his forehead and handing him the flowers. John just stared at me for a moment before turning away. The action made my heart sink. "Peaches, are you okay?" I asked, taking his hand in my own.

John had a troubled expression on his face, but urged, "I'm fine." I couldn't help but groan in annoyance. I hated when John lied to me. It always made me feel like I was doing something wrong. The sound of John sniffling broke me out of my trance. I frantically wrapped my arms around him. "Hey Jacky, it's okay... shhh... I'm here."

"H-he..." John tried to speak, but he was too panicked and frightened. I started brushing my hands through his hair, since it usually calmed him down. "Who, Peaches?" I asked patiently. "F-Francis..." he stuttered quietly, slowly calming down. I frowned at his response. Francis was John's ex-boyfriend. I've never met the guy, but I knew my John would never lie about anything. He abused John emotionally, taking advantage of his vulnerability and naivity. Whenever John tried to end their relationship, Francis would threaten to spread rumors that were false, but would ruin John's life either way. Francis made my Jacky so insecure and scared, and I hated him for it.

"What did he do, Jack?"

"H-he j-just called me a-and said that he w-was gonna find me... a-and make m-me regret ever breaking up with him... I-I'm so sorry, Alex..."

I hugged John and rubbed his back in a comforting matter. "John, please don't apologize. You did nothing wrong." Feeling him tremble broke my heart, but I had to stay strong for his sake. "I hate him so much, Alex... I don't want him to take me away from you..." I tightened the grip. "He will never split us apart. I won't let him. As long as I'm with you, he can't do anything to you. I know this is a scary thing to go through, but you'll be okay... I promise..."

I reached for the small box in my coat pocket. I wanted to do this in a more romantic place, but John needed to be happy now. "John Laurens, you have always intrigued me. When we met, I wondered who I had to be for you to be my boyfriend. My arrogant 17-year-old self stood on one of the tables in the cafeteria and announced my feelings for you to everyone because I was that desperate. I know I'm not perfect and I'm not everything you hoped for. But I'll be anything you want as long as I have you by my side... I'll comfort you and help you through any rough times, even if it kills me. I've heard a lot of people say that they would do anything for the person they loved most... I never believed that until I met you. So, John Laurens, would you be willing to make me the happiest man in the universe by marrying me?"

It looked like John forgot he was in tears just a few minutes ago. His shocked expression turned into a wide smile, and he started crying again. This time they were tears of joy, which I preferred by a landslide. "Y-yes!"

I pulled out the ring and slid it onto his finger. It was silver with a beautiful blue diamond to match his crystal blue eyes. I pressed my lips to his, and he kissed back.

John was mine, and Francis couldn't change that. If he ever wanted to hurt John, he'd have to get through me first. John and I are not perfect, but together, we are. We only lived by one belief: love is all we need...

Well that was a Walmart version of a good one shot, wasn't it? I'm so bad at writing and I'm in an advanced writing class  w h a t.

Welp, I hope somebody liked it lmao.

Love y'all even if you hate me

~Jamie <3

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