My life as I know it is officially fucking dead
I have literally 3 project for art 2 song I need to memorize for choir and 3 test I need to make up in maths class
I'm just gonna take an f in art and math
The most that can happen is I get pulled from one of my electives
The only thing keeping me from flipping my un-holy shit is the fact if I do flip my shit my friends will be disappointed and . . . I don't think I could live with that.
And my music
I sing when I'm stresses or worried or feeling sad
I think my depression is coming back
I am like almost about to cry right now
I won't be able to do anything if I get an f in my classes but I already have like 2 so. . . . I don't think it'll matter
I will just be grounded for a long time . . . from everything
(Eg) going outside, going to my friends, reading (my mom takes all my books away for on me) my internet and the only thing I'll be able to keep is my sketch book and coloured pencils.
I give up
I give up
I don't want to try anymore
I don't wanna be put away again
I don't want Sam to take over againI just wanna be happy
I wanna be able to do things and be happy to do them!
But I can't because I. . . I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY!!!
I'm sorry I need to go