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2 days later

Affaf and Diego were supposed to be hime yesterday but they went to Diegos moms house.
I hearthe front door open amd rum to expecting to see Affaf with a baby. There is no baby. "Where is the baby?" i ask Affaf looks down. I gasp "No babes really?" i ask hugging her. She nods while sobbing. "Im so sorry" i say. She breaks the news to everyone then goes to her room and goes to bed. "Poor Affaf" Tyler says "yea" i say. "Lets go out" he says "where to?" i ask "i dont know but i wanma do soemthing. I have been cooped up in here for the past month" he says "im sorry that im gonna be having your baby soon and i dont wanna get up at all" i say making him gasp. "Are you trying to use our child to make me feel bad" he asks putting his hand his chest "maybe" i say smirking. He gets up amd pretneds to leave. "I want WAFFLES" i scream. "I got you" Mikey says walking into the kitchen. "I only like being pregnant because everyone gets me food and i dont have to get up" i say giggling. "Well in that case" Mikey says dropping my plate of waffles. "MY WAFFLES" i scream. "SHUT THE FUCK UP"  Charlie yells "Bitch dont test me your dumbass friend just dropped my waffles and left" i say back "He dropped your waffles" Charlie asks walking in. "Yes" i say "How dare he disrespect the waffles' he says. "Charlie your fucking stupid" Daytona says walking in. "Fuck you" he says "not now later" Daytona says. 5 minutes later Charlie asks "Is it later yet?". We all laugh. "Ty can we do something now?" i ask "yeah im hungry wanna go get something to eat?" he asks "yeah sure. Canes?" i ask "im down" he says "MICHAEL, JAKE, CHARLIE, GAVIN CAN ONE OF YOU TAKE US TO CANES?" i ask "ME" they all yell. "Looks like were all going" i say. We get in the car and drive. "IVE SEEN A LOTTA BITCH GET SLIT AND IT MAKE ME NOT WANNA BE FAITH FULL TO BITCHES. I DID A LOT OF FUCKED UP SHIT AND I NOW I WAS WRONG BUT JUST PRAY FOR A AAAAHHHHH" i scream "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SCREAM?" Gavin yells back "I CANT SAY THAT WORD" i yell "YOUR BLACK" he yells back "THATS RACIST" i scream. He flips me off and faces the road again. I sit back and put my head on Tyler shoulder. He kisses the top of my head. We get to Canes and i just get Chicken Nuggets and Fries. "Want some?" Ty asks handing me his burger. "Nah" i say "ok" he says shrugging his shoulders. When he wasnt looking i tooka bite out of his burger. Jake looks at me and laughs. Tyler goes to take a bite and saw that i took one. "Really babe" he says i nod. We go him and i go to my room. "Wow my room and messy" i mumble. I start to clean it.  "Hey Jonny" Tyler says "hey babe"i say " i have a baby bump " i say making him chuckle. He makes me lay down and he rubs my stomach and starts talking to it.  "Only a few more weeks and non of this is gonna fit" i add "you should probably go get new clothes tomorrow" he says "yeah" i say i yawn and lay on the bed snuggling close to Tyler. He grabs the blanket off the floor and pulls it over us. He wraps his arms around me then kisses my head and we fall asleep.
I wake up and throw up. "Tyler get me some water please" i say. He comes in with water and sits on the edge of the tub.

Tyler and I decide we were gonna walk around the Walk of Fame. As we are walking i see someone familiar. "CARTER!" i scream she turns around and screams back "JONAH!" i run amd hug her "WHAT THE HELL" i say "Why are you in LA?" i ask "Shane" she says looking down "your still with him" i say. She nods. "Girl your breaking up with him and moving in with me" i say  she shrugs her shoulders. "UH babe" Tyler says "Oh right. Tyler is this Carter from NJ, Carter this is Tyler" i say She says "Hi" then we walk back to the apartment. "GAVIN" i scream as se walk in. "Wha- CARTER" he screams he walks up to her and hugs her. "Dude what?" he says out of breath. "I dont know i guess she moved here with Shane" i say. He stops smiling amd looks at her. "Are you serious?" "sorry?" she says.

Gavin pov
I have had a crush on Carter since we were 10. "She us breaking up with him and moving here" Jonah says. This is my chance. "Yup" Carter says.

Jonah pov
"Carter this is your room until the baby comes" i say "What? Your pregnant?" she asks. I nod
"How far?' she asks "about 1 month" i say "Damn girl i didnt even notice" she says "i you didnt notice this?" i ask lifting up mt shirt. "Awww" she says feeling my stomach. Ttler and I go back to the living room amd talk about what were gonna do when the baby comes. "We need a bigger house. But i want to live with everyone still so how about we just buy a house in the hills and move everyone into there" Tyler says "thats a good idea. Now we just gotta ask Jake Ashley Mikey Charlie Daytona Diego Affaf Malik Carter and Gavin if they want to" i say "ok you get Jake Ashley Gavin and Carter and I will ask Charlie Daytona Diego Affaf and Malik" he says "ok".
I ask Gavin first since he is my brother. "Bubby we need a bigger house becasue the baby. And since Carter is moving in with us" "ok you find the house and im fine with it" he says. I go ask everyone else and they arw fine with it except Diego and Affaf they said they wanted to stay here. But thats ok its just less people we have to move in. "They all said yes except Affaf and Diego" i tell Tyler. "Same except Char and Day they are moving into their own apartment" he says "ok thats settled now we have to find a house" i say. We fimd one and show everyone thats moving in. "Ok now we have to go chexk it out" i say. I call the owner and talk to him about it. "Alright ill see you on Thursday" i say. "Ok so he said Thursday at 1 will be ok" i tell Tyler. "Ok" he says kissing me.

Promise~Tyler ManfreWhere stories live. Discover now