Levi vs Ramsey Part 1

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Customer Levi: *calls on waiter* Oi where the hell is my bloody steak?! I've been waiting over 20 min for it!!

Bertolt: I'm sorry sir but the head chef of the kitchen is making sure your food comes out perfect before serving

Customer Levi: Please, I'm a cook and I can make a fully cooked steak in less than 20 min if it was prepared properly. Who runs this restaurant anyway?

Bertolt: Ummm that would be Chef Gordon Ram-

Customer Levi: Never heard of him. Tell him to hurry up or else I'll run the kitchen for him.

Bertolt: *sweats* As you wish *walks off to kitchen to meet Ramsey* Umm.. Chef Ram-

Chef Ramsey: What do you want?! Can't you see I'm busy yelling at all these donkies!!

Connie: Hey! I'm not a donkey!

Chef Ramsey: *looks at Connie* Piss off before I throw you out!! *glares at Bertolt* Now what do you want?

Bertolt: *sweat intesifies* S-Someone... A customer is still waiting on their order, sir... They're growing impatient.

Chef Ramsey: They can piss off and eat shit for all I care. I am the Gordon Ramsey and I will never send off anything besides perfection *yells angrily but with confidence*

Bertolt: T-They don't who t-the Gordan Ramsey is *armpits sweat*

Chef Ramsey: *death face from hell* WHAT!!!!!

Bertolt: *puddle of sweat is left behind while he runs for safety*

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