Never have I ever...

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Long time no see huh, I have my excuses. When I went to my aunt I was gone most of the day and when I came back I discovered the wifi was fried and we had to buy a new one. The same thing happened again. Monday we were allowed on the wifi and I literally listened to music all day. Anyway, this is going to be both a funny and cute chapter to make up for the long wait. Enjoy 😉😉

Nobody's POV

We were almost done watching the movie, when the power went out. Yuu cuddled closer too Mika. Everyone screamed. "Everyone stay calm," Krul said. Everyone was scared even Yuu and Mika. They heard footsteps. They went to the back corner of the classroom. The curtains were closed so they can see the screen more vividly. So the room was pitch black. We saw someone open the door. Yuu held Mika's hand, squeezing it tightly. All they could see was a shadow...

Yuu's POV:

Everyone screamed even me and Mika. Suddenly there was shining light on us. We all looked at the shadowy figure. He held the flashlight to us, before breaking out in laughter. That laugh, it's so familiar....
Shinya. "Don't worry everyone," Shinya said pointing the flashlight to his face. Everyone sighed in relief. "Not funny, Shinya," I said standing up. "O c'mon, Yuu it was kinda funny," he said eating his toast. "You're not getting toast tonight," I said grinning. "Not fair, Yuu," he made a sad face. "Who is that," Mika asked from behind me. "This is my dad's boyfriend, Shinya and one of the teachers at the school," I said gesturing to Shinya. "Hello, sorry for scaring you all," he said. "I just wanted to tell you the power is out, because of the thunder storms." "My work here is done so, bye everyone and precious angel," he said winking to me. Everyone looked confused and I blushed. Thank goodness it was dark so my classmates didn't see me blush. "Yuu chan, who is precious angel," Mika asked. "N-no one," I said blushing even more.

"What do you guys think we're suppose to do," Krul said getting out a flashlight. "Oo, we could play never have I ever," Shinoa said with a grin. "But don't we need alcohol," Kimizuki said. "We could just use random drinks," Shinoa shrugged. "Okay sounds like a plan," Jacqi said from behind us.

"Let's get started," everyone said. "Who's going to begin," Mika asked. "Oo, can I begin,"  Jacqi's best friend Anri said. "Okay," I shrugged. "Never have I ever...
made a yaoi fanfic," she said smirking at Jacqi. "Damn you," she took a drink from her glass. "What's yaoi," Mika asked. "Oh no," both me and Anri sighed. Shinoa and Jacqi started fangirling. "Anyway let's go on with the game," I sighed. "Now it's Jacqi's turn." "Mm, never have I ever kissed the same gender," she said thinking. Shinoa, Mitsuba, Kimizuki, Yoichi and me took a drink. "Wait when have, Yuu chan," Mika asked me. "Long story," I sighed. "Wait, does it count if the same gender forces a kiss on you," Mika asked thinking. "When did that happen," I asked him. He just glared at someone, I couldn't tell who. "Never mind," he said smiling. Who the hell would do that to him....

"Anyway, who's next." Shinoa raised her hand. "Never have I ever written a song for someone or someone for me," she asked bluntly. I took a sip from my drink. "Which one," Shinoa asked curiously. "Both..." I said. "Who did you write it for and who wrote it for you," everyone said curiously. "An old friend," I said. "Anyway, can we hear the songs," all of my classmates asked. I sighed. I went outside and got Mika's guitar. I kept Mika's guitar to play it. I went inside. "Which one do you wanna hear first," I asked looking at my classmates. "The one you wrote," Shinoa looked at me. "Okay here it goes," I sighed.

Thousand years ( not the whole song just apart, where I think it matches)

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

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