Chapter 9: Pack Up

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(A/N: Thank you guys for your name suggestions! They were all really nice names and I had trouble picking one, hence why this chapter is late. I have finally picked a name though! I won't tell you what it is, you're just going to have to read and find out on your own. Thank yo so very much though. I very much appreciate your help. Also, while I still have you here, what do you guys think of me making a Gravity Falls fic? Would you guys read it? Should I do it or not? I was just inspired to write some Gravity Falls stuff recently but I don't know if I should keep it to myself or put it up. Let me know if you'd like to read it down in the comments below. Thanks~! Now on to the story!!!)

After being suspended, I walked home mumbling to myself about how I hate not having control all the time. My ghost half was like an untrained dog on a leash. If anyone did anything to get her mad, she'd be impossible to hold back. She'd chase after the person to piss her off and drag me along with her and I'd be only one to get hurt. I was getting tired of it. 

I sigh heavily as I put my headphones on and listen to music. I play the first song that pops up and then stick my hands in the pockets of my sweater. The wind picks up and and sends a shiver down my back. With the loud music blasting in my ears, my head down, and me just completely focused on breathing, I didn't realise that the people of the town were screaming and running wildly. It wasn't until I felt something fly past me at top speed that I look up and see three ghosts attacking everyone. I pulled my headphones out of my ear and the volume of the outside world becomes loud again. Everyone is screaming and running. I run to a safe place to transform.

After getting into my ghostly form, I look for the ghosts that were responsible for the mess. I find them attacking a jewelry store. 

"What do ghosts want with jewelry?"

"Who cares?  Let's go kick some butt!"   I zoom over there and grab two of the ghosts by the weird ghost tentacles. The third one follows me trying to make me release it's companions. While I'm distracted, the two I have wrap themselves around me and it forces me to stop moving. My arms are at my side and I'm pretty much helpless. 

"Let me go!" I scream as I struggle. And they did. I found myself falling from very high up. I brace for impact and expect to be maimed or dead, but it didn't come. Instead a pair of arms caught me. I open my eyes and find the ghost boy staring down at me with a small smile. I push him away and float in front of him.

"About time!" I shout.

"That's not nice considering I just saved your life." He crosses his arms. I growl softly. 

"Whatever. C'mon!" We both zoom to the ghosts and beat the daylights out of them. Danny captured two of the three, and before he captured the third, I wanted answers. I asked the same question over and over again, but the ghost would just not cooperate. I gave up my attempt and let Danny suck it in his thermos. 

As we both went back to ground level, Danny asked for my name yet again. I decided it was time to give my ghost half a name because even if we were in the same body, she was not me.

"You can call me..." I think for a moment, "Missy." 


"Got a problem with that?" Danny raised in hands in defense and shoo his head. "Good. Catch you around... maybe." I flew away and transform back to my human self. Danny is still there, but he too s in his human form. I act as if I had been hiding and afraid of what just happened. I didn't want it to seem like I was calm about this. Shaking, I come out from behind a flipped car. Danny spots me and runs over to me. "Are you ok?" he asks. I shake my head. Danny wraps his arm around me and walks me home. 

Once home, I sit on my couch and breathe. Danny is squatted next to me telling me that I was ok and that he was sorry.  Confused, I asked him why he was sorry. "Uh, I mean, I'm sorry this happened to you." he states. I take another deep breath and stand up. 

"Thanks." I tell him. I head to the kitchen and make myself a nice, calming tea. Though me being freaked out was only an act, I was just in the mood for tea. I offered some to Danny, but he declined my offer. 

"Can I ask you something?" he says as I put water into kettle. I simply nod. "Are you actually ok with my sister's crazy idea?"

"Well, no, but... also yes." Danny looked at me like I was an unsolvable puzzle. "I like to be alone. But I also don't want to be alone. So, I'm thinking that maybe this idea your sister has will be good for me." 

After setting the kettle down to boil, I receive a call.  Its an unknown number, but I answer it anyway.  "Hello?"  Only silence came. I shrug and hang up. 

After drinking my tea and talking with Danny for a while, I decide that its best I pack a bag. I go to my room and look around. My walls painted a light shade of purple, my bed neatly made with a big, soft teddy bear I cuddle with sits at the corner. On my wall, by my window is a katana I once got when my father took me to Japan once. It looked lovely right nest to my window because of the cherry blossom patterned curtains I had. Right next to the door was my desk filled with papers and books, and my laptop. In my closet on the floor was my duffel bag. I grab it and start stuffing all kinds of clothes in there along with my laptop and any chargers I need. After grabbing all that I needed (clothes, toothbrush, laptop, chargers, etc.), I go back to the living room and find Danny staring at a picture.

"Is this your mom?" he asks.

"Y-yeah. Pretty, huh?"

"Yeah. You look just like her." Danny says and immediately adds, "You ready?" I nod. We both leave the house and walk to Danny's house. 

(A/N: Gah! I'm sorry for another short chapter. I had trouble writing this one. Hope you enjoyed though. Leave comments on what you thought of this chapter and what you think about a Gravity Falls story!)

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