How you met Alfie Solomons

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(Queenie Universe)

Alfie Solomons

taking in a nervous deep breath you felt the bandage around your chest forced your girls down which happend to be difficult seeing the size. you had borrowed your brothers clothes slipped them on to look for a job. your long hair which was against fashion these days was tucked into a hat.. snapping out of your thoughts you glanced at the slim tall curly head explaining who goes where.. you see.. you were hired as a baker by none other then Alfie Solomons.. who you had never met before.. Only seen..he was this 5.9ft  broad bearded rather handsome but cold looking man. he walked with a  strut, parading or striding around full of agression. he walked fast his hands almost always balled into fists..he was intimidating which made him scary yet intruiging.

''Okay. that will be all. to your stations.'' Ollie interrupted holding a clipboard to his chest

Keeping my head down I went over to the crates, filling them up following the instructions on each crate.. 

A loud bang made me jump and drop a bottle.. Shrieking you got on your knees picking it up quickly.. ''Jesus roosevelt christ..''

''Thats coming out of your paycheck. clean it up before Alfie gets here. if he finds out he will be giving you a trashing.'' Ollie said walking over

''Put em down Ollie, he's only little, Whats coming out of who's paycheck ey?'' A all to formiliar voice said.. oh god you could hear his cane slidng over the floor

''I'm sorry mister solomons. I didn't mean to break the bottle.'' Widening your eyes slightly thinking about rule number 1,2,3,4,5,6, fucking every rule.. it's bread not booze

''Fucking 'ell, get up boy. time for a lesson. yeah. '' A sharp pain hit your bum as Alfie hit it. ''What the 'ell is it then ey? I see bread, I do. you?''

''Bread sir..'' You said trying to sound manly rubbing your bum.

''Good lad, you will keep that in mind will ye? '' He said the hand of his cane pulling you back.

stumbling backwards your hat fell off. freeing the long hair you wanted to hide..

''Fucking 'ell Ollie. what is this then? fucking charmin this is yeah..'' Alfie spoke sounding very very suprised.

''It's... A girl..'' Ollie stammered

''A girl. I can but you still ain't told me why it's in 'ere...fucking charmin it is.  Fuckin'... what do ya' think this place is, 'ey? A game? No women ey.'' Alfie shouted ''NO FUCKIN WOMEN EY!'' 

you glanced up just in time to see Alfie his Ollie over the head ''Go. we will discuss this lil thing later lad. yeah.'' He send Ollie of turning back to me..

''I'm sorry mister Solomons.. I just needed the work.. really badly..''  you looked up straightening yourself.

''Not fucking in here. follow me now yeah,'' Alfie said strutting to his office in such a pace you could hardly keep up, ending up jogging slightly

Entering the room you looked around quickly

''Sit.'' He ordered closing the door

Sitting down quickly you stared down at your hat picking at a loose threat

opposite from you Alfie sat down in his chair.. You glanced at him seeing him pet his beard

''Go on then Pet. You gotta explain to me 'y a little lass like you decides to be in a place like this yeah.'' He moved closer to his desk, placing his elbows on it

''Mister Solomons.. I need Money.. I have four brothers at home.. three of them are injured because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time... Sabini's men and the peaky blinders wrecked them... I need to pay rent..their medicines.. Being a nurse doesnt pay as much as you do.. and I was told as a men you can make a good wage here.. so I.. you know.. did some bondaging here and there.. some dirt and mens clothes..'' 

''How long? ey?'' He asked, his eyes almost burning into your skin.

''A month.. I've been..working here for a mens wage for a month..'' I anserwd shortly

''A month. you say 'ure a nurse ey'' He asked raising his eyebrows..

I nodded in return

'' Come in tomorrow. You will work as a nurse. you get double payed the wage you get right now. I expect you to look after the men in the bakery. sick men ain't men that make me money. Now go.'' Alfie said giving me a roll of money

''Why..'' I started as I looked down at the money.. it was alot..

''Don't ask. get yourself the proper outfit. and instruments. tomorrow here seven sharp.''

''Yes Mister Solomons.. Thank you.'' You said holding back a smile..hurrying off


The next day you walked into the *Bakery* Your Nurse attire was short it came to just your knee.. hoping it wouldnt be a problem you passed a mirror glancing at your pinned up hair. Holding your bag of instruments close you made your way to the small infirmary it wasnt much and only had three beds btu it was enough.... Stepping inside you Sneezed.. The dust was horrible.. a thick layer covered everything..You had to fix that.. being allergic and all.. Putting down your back you stepped back out and made your way to Alfie's office.. a few men whistled and cat called about your legs.. Dirty dogs.. Talking about.. Alfie's Dog Archie ran over his tail waggling.. Getting down on my knees I played with him

''Theres a handsome boy... Good boy.. sit.. sit..'' As Archie sat down licking my cheek

''I'd lick that dry boys.'' A guy called out

''Those legs.. I'd know what to do!'' Another one called out

''How much a hour dollface!'' Another guy called

Your eyes widened seeing Alfie walk up behind one of the guys, smashing his cane to the back of his head, knocking all his teeth out instantly..probably.

''Now you listen lads. Offence the pretty little lady again and I will knock those teeth so far down yer fucking throat yeah, you'll  shit teeth for the coming month yeah.. now fuck of. go on FUCK OFF. '' He said looking terrifying, ''To the office now. and sit'' Alfie said motioning to the office ''y don't ya get comfy ey.'' He said walking the other way.


Alfie later walked in, closing the door behind him I saw him sizing me up ''Risque don't u think Pet, it is.'' He said walking to his desk leaning against it

''Sciatica.. You walk with a slight hunch, you strut alot. or stride.. whichever.. '' You said motioning to his way of standing  more like leaning you cleared your throat ''fancy word for pain in the ass..''

''Started out that way. it did'' he said looking actually confused

''Your skin. Psoriasis.. well lighter version.. You shouldnt take long baths with soap. try herb oils.. Soap dries your skin out which causes more of those little spots. '' You said crossing your legs

''Okay. aight..'' He moved to his chair sitting down. Putting his pair of glasses on and placing a paper down a pen on it. his finger tapped on a empty line ''Sign. right. here.'' He said tapping the paper with each word.''

You got up and signed, putting down the pen you smiled ''Come by in a bit.. I can help you out. lighten that pain and the itchyness.'' 

''Well then I will have to come by don I.  I will then. off you go Pet.'' He said waving me off.. with a satisfied smile I left and went to my new place of work.


SOOOOO Guys. I'm kind of proud But I dunno ;) what do you guys think?? Should I continue? I do plan on keeping the imagines in a sort of story ish thing. you know so You arent a nurse this minute and a shelby the other minute. ;)

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