Skipping school. (Request)

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You sat across the Church chewing your apple, your eyes on the big clock on the church was time to go home.. 

Skipping school was not something you usually did but you needed a day of silence..Couldnt call in sick because you could go a day without your dads excessive cussing and you werent going to school because the guys at school trying to get you. 

You got up wearing your school uniform.. making your way home.

when you got inside being greeted with the mess of overly bought trinkets and stuff you threw down your bag. ''I'm home Aba!''

You walked to the livingroom being greeted by your dad Alfie..

''Ahh Sweet.. How was school?'' He asked watching you intensly.

''Oh.. It went well Dad.. I had a lot of.. learning.''

''You did huh.. tell me?. right. I got the time now.'' He spoke pointing at the seat.. and you took it

''Just math.. and English..some history..'' You spoke softly

''Right.. then why the fuck did fucking headmaster Gabulski call me telling me. I'm sorry to fucking disturb ya mister Solomons but ya fucking daughter aint fucking here..'' 


''Now I was like.. She must be. had dropped her of meself she is probably at the ladies room. know how it is...'' 

''I can explain'' 

''Now imagine MY FUCKING SUPRISE when I came down to make a point not to allegate anything against my daughter.. and you were not fucking there. I was stood there yes. for fucking nothing. ''

''Let me explain.'' 

''No I won't let ya fucking explain. because your antics wasted my time too much!'' He exploded getting up.

''I was just.. Dad they bully me. They try touching me.''

''Then you should ave fucking come to me. but ya didn't! I would throttle their little fucking throats. but instead you took off. left the school I pay millions of pounds too. Fucking embarrasing.'' He went to the kitchen ''To ya fucking room!'''

And you did so.. 


The next day and nobody calling you caused you to be late.. you stepped downstairs.. your dad was shuffling through the kitchen sipping a cup off the.. your maid Edna just finishing your lunch on a plate

''Dad..'' You spoke watching him ''I just. I'm sorry. I should have come to you.. but.. I didn't want you to get mad at me. but now I'm late for school. and I need help.''

He walked straight past you. and Edna Sighed..she was a elder lady small and fragile like your grandmother. 

''Shame on you (y/n) Your father would never be angry with you.. He is a good father.. he cares and protects you.  You're also wearing the wrong uniform''

''What.. I need to go to school. I'm late.. ''

''No you start fucking school next week sweet.''


''I called again. I changed your school. All girls this time..''

''Thank you dad.''

''Now. I am fucking urt right. fucking am that ya don't give me no credit.. I woulda say. Stay home. Join me at the Bakery. have fun with me. and I go to your school right.. I fucking love ya..''

''I'm sorry..''

''So am I Sweet.. Now. We have a day together. alot to do right. eat your lunch and know. that I'm proud''

(Its horrible sorry but my concentration is.. gone)

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