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At lunch during the first day back at school since the packets were delivered, everyone was talking about Matchmaking. What answers they wrote in the packet, who they wanted to get on their lists, who they thought would be matched together.

The one table that was noticeably quiet about that subject was the one where Sophie and her friends sat. Although everyone had their packets now, no one had decided to fill them out and no one wanted to talk about it. Some, like Dex and Marella, has decided for sure that they weren't going to register, but others were still making the decision.

Instead, they talked about Fitz's latest gift to Sophie. He had given it to her the day before during Telepathy, which they now had at the Gold Tower, as he was a Level Seven. It was a chain encrusted with diamonds, pearls, and teal gemstones meant for braiding into her hair.

"It's beautiful," Linh breathed, fingering a pearl.

"It is," agreed Biana. "Are you going to wear it to the gala?"

In a month, Foxfire would be hosting its first ever annual Winter Gala. Really, it was just the Council trying to make everyone feel like everything was okay. People were still freaked out, but elves wouldn't pass up an opportunity for a party of any kind.

"Actually I'm not sure that I'm going," Sophie answered, putting the chain back in its box, and putting the box away in her bag.

"Why not? It'll be so fun! Plus," Biana added, leaning closer, "Fitz is looking forward to seeing you there."

Sophie rolled her eyes, but she felt her cheeks flush. "Oh! I have to go to Inflicting! See you at Study Hall!" She rushed out to walk the fairly long distance to the Silver Tower.

Just as she was about to knock on the door, she noticed a blond figure leaning against the wall.


"Hi, Foster!" He grinned innocently.

"What are you doing here? Keefe, you're in the elite levels now. You can't just skip."

"This is important," he insisted, stepping closer. He stopped a foot in front of her.

Sophie swallowed. "What?"

Keefe stepped even closer until she could feel his breath soft against her cheek. He leaned down so his lips were next to her ear. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it, stepping away from her.

"Nothing," he said, shaking his head. "It's nothing. Enjoy class with Bronte."

Sophie couldn't help but snort. Although he had warmed up to her recently, spending time with Bronte was still far from enjoyable. "Bye, Keefe."

She knocked on the door. Although there was a DNA strip to be let in, she was still too short to reach it, despite the fact that she had grown considerably since she was a Level Three and first came to the Silver Tower. Lady Cadence — although her title was Master Cadence, Sophie and even Cadence herself still thought of her as Lady — let her in, commenting on her tardiness. Sophie raced up the stairs.

Lucky for her, it didn't matter that she was late. Bronte wasn't even there.

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