Kiss me... passionately! chap 4

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Kiss me...passionately! chap 4

Hey guys! Here I have the 4th chapter/part of the story. I am really grateful to those who commented and voted for me. Most of you chose Alex... yeah I like him too... he is so sweet aww! I know this is a bit short chapter and I have not yet succeeded in producing a chapter longer than a page. I totally suck at it! But I'm trying my best. Hope you like my work!

So until then


And don't forget to:



and be my FAN!


Curse the alarm clock! Everyday it went off at exactly the same moment when I'd be dreaming the climax part of my dream. I was standing beside a small yet beautiful lake. I heard footsteps behind me but didn't turn around because I knew who was there (but in reality I don't know. It was just the feeling I had in the dream). The person whoever was there placed his hands on my shoulders and I shivered at his touch (but didn't turn around!!! Why why why??? If I could just see who that person was!! I am dying to know... maybe it's Troy.... Or maybe not....urgh! I don't know!) Anyways that person says "Evelyn! I love you!" And then I start to turn around (about time!) And just when I am about to see his face, my alarm would ruin the whole situation.

Sometimes I wonder if it isn't because of the alarm after all. It's just my brain. It knows when the alarm would turn on and then it would set up the climax. God! What shit I'm talking! Was I drunk last night? No. I remember everything. At 7, me and Troy went to Starbux. We came back at 8 after fooling around. I flipped channels around on TV until I fell asleep on the couch. Then what the hell I'm doing in my room? Weird!

I think I'm going nuts. I looked myself in the mirror. No. I looked fine. The usual actually. My usual ordinary face, the usual dark brown hair, the usual honey colored eyes (maybe darker), the usual loop-sided boobs.... Ok I made my point. I was normal. Nothing was wrong. Maybe Mom helped me get up to my bed and I was half-asleep that I don't remember. Yeah! This makes sense.

I turned on the stereo to find Taylor Swift singing "Fifteen". I started to sing-along and knew every word of it.

I took a quick shower; blow dried my hair and later fully straightened them. I picked up a pink tank top and blue faded jeans and headed downstairs to find my Mom in the kitchen. She looked different; she was smiling all by herself. Woaah!! Something's different.

"Hey Mom! What's up?"

"Evelyn I want to tell you something... you remember I told you about George?"

"The guy you were dating? Yeah I remember..."

I remember once when I was in my room, Mom came in and sat down with me. I stared at her for almost 2 minutes waiting for her to say something until she burst out,


"Hello? I am Evelyn Mom!"

"Eve! I think I love him. We have been dating for like almost two months now and I think he feels the same for me."

"uhh! What?"

"Evelyn I want to marry this guy" (You see how my mom could get this much crazy!)

"You sure Mom?"

So now I was beginning to understand why all the smiling-all-by-herself was about.

"Yeah! Two days back, he proposed me. And I kinda said yes..."

"Wow! Mom that was fast!"

"No I think George is the one. I wanted to tell you the minute you got home but I guess I didn't get the chance. And last night George came here to meet you but you were asleep and he didn't want to disturb you."

"So, he carried me upstairs?" I was getting a bit uneasy.

"No. His son."

"His what? Mom, George has a son?"

"Yeah! His name is... I don't remember... Anyways they are going to shift into our house tomorrow and live with us and meanwhile we can take care of the wedding plans."

"Uh! Mom, don't you think it's a bit fast. You know everything, you getting married, me having a step dad, a step brother."

"I know honey it'll be hard on you. But it's not fast at all. I've thought about it all and finally we are going to have a big family!" She was smiling widely and I could see how happy she was.

"Yeah Mom we'll have a big family!"

Mom looked at me in a weird kind of way.

"Honey, are you ok with all this?"

"Totally Mom, I completely understand..."

She hugged me. Yeah I always understood my Mom. She had me when she was 16 and we kind of share everything with each other. Well.... not me.... but Mom tells me everything... imagine me telling her about Troy... oh! That would be something uncomfortable.

But the fact that my would-be stepbrother carried me upstairs was kind of embarrassing for me.

Anyways I still have a lot to think about other than him. Like Troy. I don't know what's going on with him. Is he cheating on me? No. He himself told me last year that he loved me. That was a bit unusual coming out of a boy when everybody knows that boys tend to stay away from the 'L' word. At that moment the song came into my head:

Cause when you're


And somebody tells you

They love you

You're gonna believe them

And when you're


Feeling like there's nothing

To figure out

I shook my head. Eve! Take a grip! It's just a song.


How was it? Did you guys enjoy? Then don't forget to vote and comment and be my fan if you can! ;)

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