Chapter 4

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I was sitting in my living room and the x factor Boot camp was away to come on. My phone started to ring, I checked the caller ID it was Louis. "Hey was just about to watch you on the TV" I laughed. "Well do you want me to spoil it for you?" he asked. "Sure" I said hoping he had gotten through. "I never made it to the boy's judge's houses" he said sounding glum. "Oh right I'm so sorry way to watch it speak to you later" I sighed hanging up. I watched the show and sure enough he never made it through. But at the end he was called back to the stage. Simon told him, Harry, Niall and two other boys called Zayn and Liam they were going to judge's house as a group. I jumped up and yelled "Yes go Louis and Harry". Harry I thought to myself, I'll get to see a lot more of him now. I smiled and called Louis again. "Hey liar, why didn't you tell me you got through as a group?" I laughed. "Surprise" he shouted. "You surprised me all right" I said. "Anyway I got to go, going out for a drink with the boys so don't wait up" he told me. "Sure" I said as I hung up. I was just getting comfy when I got a text, I looked at the name and it was Harry. His name made me get butterflies. Get a grip Ashleigh I thought to myself as I opened the text,

Harry- seems like we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other Miss Tomlinson xxxx! <3 ;)

I smiled and started to reply,

Me- I know Mr. Styles ;) xxxx I'm looking forward to it :)! <3

I then sat down and started to watch my old skins box set with a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Then Harry phoned me. "What do you want Styles?" I yelled. "Hiya Ash could I ask you something?" he said sounding stunned at me yelling at him. "Of course, sorry for shouting at you" I said apologetically. "It's okay, Louis is coming to stay at mines in Holmes Chapel before judges houses along with the other boys, and I was um wondering if you um wanted to come too as um I have a sister?" he asked stuttering. "I laughed "Course I'll come". "Cool um we'll pick you up tomorrow at lunch time and oh Louis is on his way home in a taxi" he told me. "Okay I'll wait up for him" I said. "Cool bye Ashleigh" he said hanging up. I took a little time to smile to myself. Then I settled down to watch Skins again, when the doorbell rang. "GOD SAKE LOUIS YOU HAVE KEYS" I shouted getting up. I opened the door and Louis stumbled through. "I think I'm going to puke" he spat out. "Bathroom" I said sternly pointing to the bathroom. He ran in and I went in after him. I rubbed his back while he puked up everything. He was puking for ages. "Louis what the hell have you been drinking?" I asked worried about him. "Lots of different stuff" he said weakly. "You idiot you know you can't mix drinks" I shouted at him. "Sorry" he flinched finished being sick. "You should be" I told him taking him through to his room. "I'm away to get you a basin and a hot water bottle, put on your pajamas. Do you think you can hold in you sick till then?" I asked. He nodded and I went downstairs. I heated up the kettle, filled his old power ranger's hot water bottle and grabbed a basin. "Louis have you got you jammies on" I called as I knocked on the door. "Yes Ash" Louis called back. I went in and he was sitting on his bed. I placed the basin beside his bed and gave him the hot water bottle, he got into bed and closed his eyes. "Goodnight Louis" I said as I switched out the light and went to my own bed. I fell asleep quickly but every so often I would wake up and go to check on Louis.

The best brother ever one directionWhere stories live. Discover now