Chapter 6

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I was now back at home and the boys were in Barbados! Their mentor was Simon Cowell. It was also a Saturday night and mum and I settled down to watch judge's house's on the x factor. Louis was stung by a jellyfish on his ankle and had to be rushed to hospital! He managed to perform with the boys and they sang Torn it was their first performance as a group and to be honest they rocked it. The next night we settled down and watched the results show, they made it through to the live shows and I was so proud of him! My phone started to ring, it was Louis,

Louis- OH YEAH, LOOK WHO GOT THROUGH BABY! Oh and we're moving into the x factor house tonight.

Me- Yeah Louis, I know are you still picking me up?

Louis- Crap I forgot to ask Simon, here's Harry while I go ask him!

Louis went away and Harry took the phone from him,

Harry- Hey Ashleigh

Me- Hey Styles, looks like I AM going to be styling you up. Even though you really do need a sprinkle of Ashleigh magic if I must say


Me-Whoa, good but there's no need to shout I quite like being able to hear

Louis- Leaving now, be there in an hour

Me- I'll get ready.

Louis hung up and I started to get ready, when suddenly my phone rang again. It said Aiden Grimshaw. Must have gotten his number during that drunken night I thought to myself as I answered the phone.

Me- Hello?

Aiden- Hi Ash, it's me Aiden Grimshaw

Me- Um hiya

Aiden- I just phoned to say I'll see you at the x factor house

Then he hung up. Well that was weird I thought to myself as I finished getting ready. I then packed my suitcase and checked the time, I had another half an hour. I decided to sit down and watch this week's Skins episode I had missed. As soon as it finished the doorbell rang. "Mum can you please get the door" I called. "Sure" she shouted back. I heard her open the door, "come on Ash we have to go now" Louis shouted in. I grabbed my suitcase and ran outside. Sitting outside was a limo! "What the hell Louis?" I yelled. "Simon's orders" he smirked. "How about I get the train and meet you there" I laughed. "How about you just get in the limo?" he said shoving me in. "Oh god" I winced as I landed on Liam and Zayn's laps. "Hiya Ash" they both laughed in unison. "Um hiya guys" I giggled as I found a seat next to Harry and Niall, Louis got in and we drove off. I shot Louis my best 'I'll kill you stare'. "So Ash the stylist did you miss us?" Liam asked. "No, to be honest I had my fingers crossed that you wouldn't get through" I joked. "Ouch Ash, that hurt" Niall smiled. I smirked and Harry put his hand on my thigh. I looked up into his eyes and he smiled. It was a smile which most girls would fall for, but I'm not most girls. I then moved his hand and said "not falling for it Styles" as I shook my head. Everyone started to laugh hysterically. Crap I forgot to phone Nikki I thought to myself, so I took out my phone and dialed her number.

Nikki- Hey, you finally phoned

Me- Sorry, I've been a little busy with Louis. I'm on my way to the x factor house right now

Nikki- OMG (Not oh my god, it's oh my glee) can you introduce me to Aiden Grimshaw

Me- Sure I'll get you a ticket for next Saturday, got to go baby I love you more that I love Ed Drewitt!

Nikki- Bye babe, I love you more than I love Matthew Morrison (Mr. Shue from Glee) wait no Ash I take that back!

I laughed and hung up. "Who was that?" Louis smiled. "Just a friend of mine who is asking to meet Aiden Grimshaw" I hinted. "Nikki?" he asked. "Do you really have to ask?" I smirked. "Well we're here" Niall yelled. I collected my case and walked into the house. It was quite pretty. I walked up the stairs and there was a room with my name on the front. It was next door to Louis room, which he shared with the rest of One Direction. "Well goodnight Louis" I laughed walking into my room. I shoved on my pajamas and shoved my hair back into a messy bun. I got into bed and started to doze off, but I was suddenly woken up by a load bang which was followed by cackles of laughter. "Louis" I muttered under my breath. I picked up my phone and dialed his number, no answer. I called Harry,

Harry- Hey Ashleigh what's up?

Me- Nothing just fancied a chat

Harry- Oh right, cool what about?


Harry-Sorry what's really up?

Me- Could you and the boys, maybe I don't know SHUT UP!

Harry-Okay sorry

I hung up. The cackling quickly stopped and I fell asleep dreaming about my first day of work tomorrow.

The best brother ever one directionWhere stories live. Discover now