Backstories Aren't Always Fun Pt 1

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Hey guys! I'm back! :3 I told you there was gonna have a chapter it is XD I was thinks ng that I would do a backstory of David's childhood and how he got the happy pills and how he started getting depressed. This is going to be the first part of the backstory and soon I'll post the second part. To be honest, now that I think of it, this was kinda inspired from a song called Brain Damage from Eminem. I highly recommend you checking that song out (if you like rap lol). But anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!

Alcohol and Drugs
(Plus a shitty mom)
'I hope that the school will be better than before...', David thought to himself as he got out of his bed. He looked out his window and sighed. David was only seven when it all happened. His parents got divorced when he was six because his mom had a really bad drug and alcohol addiction. But sadly, his mom got custody of him and his father just left without saying anything.

       He got his blue backpack and walked into the kitchen from his room. He was wearing his usual yellow shirt and brown shorts. He saw his mom drinking a beer and sitting at their kitchen table. '5..7..8? Yeah, 8 cans...', he counted in his head. "Hey mom, I'm heading to school.", he said lightly. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!", she yelled across the room and threw one of the empty cans at his head, then the can falling on the ground. He rubbed the back of his head where the can hit him and picked up the can.

      "You shouldn't drink like that's bad for you...", he explained worriedly. He always cared about his mom. Even if she treated him like the worst son ever, he would still think she loved him. At least, that's what he thought.

   "Whatever dumbass, you don't know anything. You're an idiot. Just go to fucking school, you worthless piece of shit.", she said while she drank down another can of beer. He walked out the door and sighed. "Love you too...", he mumbled under his breath. He walked to his bus stop for the bus and waited.

        They always kept moving house to house almost every month. And let's just say, the houses they were getting started to get worse, he even lived in a terrible neighborhood. They didn't have a lot of money mostly because his mom didn't work and spend the money on alcohol and drugs.

          The bus finally came and he got on. He said good morning to the bus driver but the bus driver just ignored him. He sat in one of those seats alone and looked out the window, just trying to stay positive.

-------------------Time Skip------------------

The bus pulled into the school's parking lot and stopped. Everyone got out of their seats and got out of the bus. David went to get out of his seat but a tall boy who was standing in front of him, pushed him hard back into the seat. The tall boy laughed coldly and got off the bus. David didn't think about it that much, knowing that if this is all they can do, it wouldn't be that bad.

       He got off the bus and went into the school. The halls were loaded people. David try to remember what class was his but he just couldn't. He walked around and found one classroom with a door that said math on it in bolded letters. He walked in there, thinking that maybe someone might help him. There are a few kids in there maybe around five...six? David tried to not pay too much attention and wanted to just try to find a teacher.

        There was a big desk at the right corner of the classroom. And which made him really happy was that there was a teacher sitting at that desk. She looked around to see if her class was there but there is only a few kids so she groaned and looked at a few papers. David walked up to her with a nervous smile and looked up to her.

      "Umm...I'm sorry to bother you Ms...", he pause for a moment, looking around the room to find her name possibly. He looked up at the white board and saw a name written in black marker, saying "Ms. Cook." "Ms. Cook..but I don't know where my locker is or what my first hour is...", he said worriedly. He was hoping he wasn't being a bother of any sort.

     She sighed and walked up to her computer and sat down in her black chair. "What's your name?", she asked. He really didn't think she was going to help him surprisingly she did. "David.", he said, trying to sound like he was in good mood. She got a paper and written some stuff down and gave it to him. "That's your locker number and combination. And there's also your first hour and your teacher will give you more information.", she said as she just looked at screen and trying to look up pornography but failing because of how the website was blocked. "Thank you, Ms.Cook.", he smiled lightly and walked to the door. Right when he left, she groaned and rolled her eyes. "Kids."

         He found his locker and put in the combination, which he got it right for the first time. He put in his back and look down at the piece of paper. 'Mrs. June' "Ok, I bet she's a great teacher!", he said trying to stay happy. But he didn't know that it was gonna be the worst day of his life.

Anyway, have a good night and I'll see you guys int he next chapter!
-Bree :3

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