Backstories Aren't Always Fun Pt2

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this, thank you so much for all the support lately. I really needed it. I'll shut up now and you can get into the story :3

       He started walking to his classroom and found the room. He came inside the room and there were bunch of kids running around, screaming (literally everyday of school for me...please kill me), and talking to friends. He walked around the room and just took a seat wherever he could find one.

     His teacher banged on a table to try to get the child's attention. "Everyone! Be quiet! We have a new student!", the teacher said. The teacher got a paper off his desk and read the paper. "David. Come up to the first of the class and introduce yourself."

      Davey gulped, he didn't know what to do. He was afraid that someone would make fun of him. But he knew that there was no way to go back now. He got out of the desk he was sitting in and walked up slowly to the front of the class.

       He looked up to the class and could see everyone. The goth kids in the left corner, the nerds in the middle, and the juvenile kids in the right back corner.

       He smiled nervously and begin to talk. "Hello everyone. I'm Davey. And umm..I..just moved here.", Davey said as he looked at the teacher.

     The teacher looked back at him and lightly smile. "You can take a seat now." David went back to his seat and put his head on the desk. He didn't pay attention through the rest of the class.

     After his first hour, he went to his locker and went to the boy's bathroom. When he walked in there, it looked terrible! Toilet paper was everywhere and the floor was kind of wet for some reason. He went into a stall because he wasn't comfortable to use the urinals and closed it. But as soon as he closed it, two large boys kicked the door open and grabbed him by the back of his shirt and threw him out of the stall. Davey got up on his feet with his whole body hurting as he looked at the boys who threw him. One of the boys looked like he was in 9th grade. He had all his hair shaved off and had black leather gloves. The other looked like one of the goth kids, he had black hair with A LOT of bangs and was wearing a black and white stripped sweater. they smiled wickedly at him. "Why did you do that? That really hurt.", Davey said weakly. Someone came in the room and locked the door.

         "Because it's fun, dumbass." David looked that the boy who replied to him. David's eyes widened as he realized who it was. It was the tall boy that pushed him back him in his seat on the seat, but there was one thing he didn't get. Why did he lock the door? 'Oh no.'

      "So how do you want us to start?", the tall boy asked as he walked up to Davey. "This,", he said as he slapped David hardly. "Or this?", he asked again as he punched his stomach. Davey didn't know how to react, to fall on the ground or to fight back. He grabbed his stomach as the shooting pain begin to come into his stomach and tried to hold the tears in his eyes.

     "Since you're new, it's going to be so exciting.", the tall boy said smirking. "Why will it be exciting?", Davey asked as he looked at the tall boy. "Because we're gonna see how long it takes for you to pass out.", he said with an evil grin on his face. David frowned and ran with fear to the door. He tried to unlock it but one of the boys kicked him as he fell on the ground.

         David groaned as he tried to get up but was punched in the face by the sweater kid. His nose started to bleed as the kids continued to kick his back hard. Tears started to come to out to his eyes. He didn't want to hide it anymore. He was hurt. He was always getting hurt by something or someone. He just didn't understand. Why? Why was it always him? What did he do that made people to do it? He just wanted to just be happy. He was a kid for christ sake. He didn't need to go through this.

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