Chapter 8: Sick :(

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Ian P.O.V

I ran up to kalels apartment




She finally opened the door

"IAN" she screamed at me to get back at me for screaming at her but the second she finished screaming I pulled her into a long an passionate kiss and before I even knew it we were on her bed with her on top of me

I'm not going to get into the details of what happened next

*two weeks later*

(It's still Ian)

I woke up to the sound of kalel puking in the bathroom I ran out of bed an held her hair back


"It's ok babe"

After about two minutes she finished



"Are you ok?"

"I don't think so!"

"Do you wanna go see a doctor?"

"Yes please"

Then we headed out the door

*two hours later*

"Ms Cullen and Mr Hecox. Room 26 please and Nurse Teirnan will be with you in a few minutes"

*IDK how many minutes later*

"I am so sorry for the wait I'm Amy Teirnan. nice to meet you Kalel and

Ian "

"Hi" we both said at the same time

Kalel P.O.V

I told Amy what's wrong and how if been sick a lot lately she said all signs say I'm pregnant but I'm sure I'm not but I am about three days later but I don't know

"Ill take you for an ultrasound and we'll see of you're pregnant" Amy said flicking her long cherry red hair out of her face

After about an hour me and Ian were called again and I was told I was pregnant! YES little Kirsten Smith (that's kalels real name.... I think!) is prego!


Hey hey hey (I know you want my peanut butter)

I hope you enjoyed this I'm bored sitting in this disco bar called Bora Bora. it's nice but it's BORING! plus it is like 3:30 am!!


I thought I might as well bring Amy in and don't worry Amy you will be in this again but not for a while 'DUN'DUN'DUUUUN'



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