Offical Ending 1/3

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???? POV

I saw her there... but she wasn't herself.... She was standing there... Covered in something but I just couldn't tell what she was covered in... Was it blood?....Was it gravy?.... I could have been gravy?... Goddammit now I'm hungry!
But what was she doing? From what I could see she was cutting something? But what was she cutting?
Then it hit me! It was Kalel! But... She's dead... How is she still here....what the hell is she cutting....why do I smell gravy! Were the thoughts going though my head when I saw her face....

Anthony's POV

I woke up in pain... A lot of pain.






Where the hell is she?

I tried to get out of my bed but I was in that much pain I couldn't even move!

Amy's POV


| authors note |

Hey hey long time no see

I'll be finishing this over the next few weeks and the last part will be up on Christmas Eve!
So the next part will be up on Wednesday 17th of December so I look forward to talking to you again BHAIIII





Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo~ Caits

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2014 ⏰

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