Chapter 14: Updates

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~Two weeks later~

Ian POV xx

Kalel still hasn't talked to me since the miscarriage and I've had to stay at the Smosh house, (because she kind of kicked me out) Anthony moved out a few days ago because Amy is Prego (with I hope is Anthony's baby!) and my Ex Melanie is trying to get in contact with me because she found out what happened and unfortunately we hade to end smosh for a while because I wasn't as happy or as funny in the videos but we are thinking of quitting soon cause with Amy pregnant and I don't what with Kalel Smosh will just become boring and old.

My phone started ringing

"Hello?" I said

"Hi this is Emily from Sacramento Hospital, are you Ian Hecox?"

"Yes??? why?."

"Your girlfriend Kalel is here"

"WHAT WHY!!??!!??"

"Please sir calm down"

I hung up and grabbed my car keys. I rushed to the hospital

Anthony POV (SRY NOT SRY😹😹)

"Amy do you need anything in Target?"

"Could you get me some peanut M&Ms please"

"Ok I'll be back in a few"

I was walking around Target when my phone started ringing. It was Ian

"Hey dude"

"Anthony you need to get to the hospital quickly!!!" he said screaming down the phone



I was waiting for Anthony to come back with my M&Ms and I was texting my best friend Caitlin (A/N that may or may not be me?) who was in LA with her boyfriend Jorden/ CaptainSparkles. She had just got engaged. But then my phone started ringing


"Amy?" Anthony said very sad

"Yeah? what's wrong Anthony you seem sad?"

"It's Kalel"

"What's wrong with Kalel?"

"S-sh-she-she's dead"


Lolololololololol I'm back bitches!!!!!!!!!

Yes yes it's been a while but I'm back with a bang whoop whoop (the only reason I'm back is because my friend Amy kept telling me to update so yeah) here it is

Kk ill see you whenever








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