Sophia, Tues 14th February

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School Journal:

It is hard to concentrate in English when being showered in heart shaped confetti.


Real Journal:

Well, we all know how it goes, so what really is the point of documenting it??

The same revolting cards, the same horrible plastic flowers, chocolate in love heart form covered in bright pink tinfoil (which automatically makes it 10x more expensive), ETC.

I have not received nor given one Valentine's day present the whole day. Unless you count a cupcake from Maya. but I don't think that counts. Cupcakes aren't really related to valentines day.

BUT, I have officially saved $4.50 on a card for Lauren. Think how much I will be saving with her not here: No birthday's, no Christmases, no St Patrick's day, the list goes on...

Though, if that's a bright side,my life is pretty dull right now.

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