Chapter 5: What you saw before wasnt real

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Last time I saw Fawn was 2 weeks ago, I hoped I would never see her again, but I have been thinking about what she wanted. If I ever went back I would find out. Never knew that day would be today. Sitting talking to my red tiger I realized I needed to go, invited or not. I got 20 of my gold coins and paid my ride to her side.
When I got there no one noticed me, which then I took my chance and walked over to her closed door and slowly opened it. What I saw I wanted to unsee. This couldnt be Fawn. Fawn had light brown hair and beautiful eyes. This person had curly black hair and when she turned around they were glowing. Glowing red.
I have never seen eyes so scary in my 18 years. Then I watched her pour powder looking dust into a vase and closed talking to herself in the nastiest voice I have ever heard,
"This potion will work perfectly to make the three queens give me there kingdoms and soon I will rule the world!" Then she cackled like all the witches in the stories, but this wasnt any story, this was real. Then before I could here anymore one of the animals saw me and yelled,
"TRESPASSER, QUEEN GRETCHEN TRESPASSER!" The so called 'Queen Gretchen' looked at me and glared,
"you! I told you to stay out of my way! Now you will pay the price" then something shot out her hand and everything went black.

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