Blood Destinies - Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Charlotte Westall

AN: Ok so I just recently decided to make this story a split perspective. So I will be adding .5 chapters to make it obvious which ones have been added to give a new perspective, and which are existing chapters.

Blood Destinies


Emily Oakes

"Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." - Carl Jung



This hall way is too long, I though to myself. How many times have I walked down this corridor and never really noted how long it was. The again, why do I care? Doriah is right, I do need help. He's right about most things so my mental well being would just add to the list.  

I spun the carrier bag in my hand around absently. He had begged me to go to the market for him so that he didn't have to run into his latest "Bed and Bin" victim. He had grovelled for all of 30 minutes before, me being the push over I am, eventually gave in so that he didn't have to face "Little Miss Bad Blow". All be it with a promise he would never ask me for anything ever again. Total bullshit since he uses that saying at least twice a day!  

For a master Doriah has been extraordinarily accommodating and kind, where he didn't need to be.  

I am a Dhampire, or as the elders call us "Walking blood banks". A creature of inferior birth and a fly on our society's windshield. Something they dismiss and push out of their eye line, until one of us does something wrong and then or inferiority is reinstated usually through some heinous and unjustified means, ending in the death of a fellow brother or sister.  

A flash of light came from the end of the corridor and my eyes flew up. That was Doriah's rooms.  

I started sprinting down the corridor and grabbed at the door knob. It was locked. What the hell is he doing? I started banging on the door and when no one answered I panicked.  

Another blinding light fell through the gapes around the door. This time though, the hinges broke off and the door flew into the hall, knocking me against the wall.  

I threw the door off of me and ran into Doriah's room. It was the familiar room I had grown accustomed to over the years. Book shelves full of read and re-read books, desk piled high with old test papers a fancy voice activated computer he had taught me how to use a few weeks ago, the large wooden bed with pillars and curtains I insisted he use so I didn't have to see the many female companions he usually brings back to the manor. The door near the bed led room next door so that He could feed when he needed.  

Everything was where it should be but a dark cloud hovered over room, clinging to the ceiling. A thick pillar of the smoke fell from the ceiling and clung to the floor, covering something.  

Oh God!!  

"DORIAH!!!" I screamed. I ran over to him screaming for help. I went to reach for him, to pull him out from under the smoke cloud but something was stopping me from getting to him, a shield encasing him inside the pillar like Locusts to the fields. I tried to hit it but my hand hit what felt like a see through wall.  

"Doriah!!" I cried, his eyes moved over my face. He looked me dead in the eyes. I could see his lips moving, like he was trying to talk to me, but I couldn't hear him, I tried getting closer but whenever I tried nearing him I hit the same wall over and over again.  

Where was everyone?!  

Why hadn't anybody come when I screamed?! 

What the hell is this thing?!?! 

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