Blood Destinies - Chapter 4

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"Are you Avi Ruiz de Arana? I asked the woman. She turned her head to the side, looking me up and down. Her eyes lingered on the teeth marks on my Left fore arm, This seemed to clear something up for her.  

Her eyes narrowed and she glared at me. Terrific! I can tell we're going to be the best of friends already! 

"Who wants to know" She asked. As if my suitcases didn't make it obvious.  

"I've been assigned to Master Ruiz de Arana as their new Dhampire" I explained, slowly approaching the angry little woman. "Are you Avi Ruiz de Arana?" I asked again. 

"Yeah, I guess" She replied. "What have we got them?" she asked. It took me a minute to get what she was talking about. My blood. right.  

"O Negative" I answered. "Thick". She licked her lips slightly. 

"Well then, lets see what we've got to work with." She said standing and walking over to me.  

She circled me, slowly. Evaluating. I wish I had worn pants. I hate skirts, but Elia had thought it was the proper thing to do. Dress the part. When she was facing me again, she grabbed my arm and raised it to her face. She inhaled deeply at the scars and her eyes fluttered closed as she sighed in satisfaction.  

Just as she was about to bite down, A voice came from the top of the stairs. "Marihanna!" It was deep and attractive, a man's voice. Her head snapped to the left and she hissed a string of profanities before throwing herself back down on the sofa.  

My head went immediately to the young man descending the stairs. He looked to be early 20's, still young enough to pass as a teen. He wore loose fitted blue jeans bare footed and a fitted black t-shirt that clung to his broad chest and sow cased his large biceps beautifully. His hair was a strange mixture of dirty blonde, musky brown and honey tones, styled short but long enough to run your hands through. His features were clearly boyish. Straight nose, high cheek bones, thin lips the perfect shade of pink. And his eyes, they were the deepest shade of green I've ever seen, with Hazel and Gold flecks intertwined through out the iris'.  

He looked irritated at something. His eyes were fixed on the girl, wait. He called her Marihanna, which means. Shit.  

Great. 5 minutes here and I already want to go hide in the corner with a paper bag over my head!  

"You are Avi Ruiz de Arana?" I asked feeling like an idiot. He nodded, looking me up and down, his eyes lingering on my legs. "My name is Nerys Harley. I've been assigned your new blood vessel"  

Once again he nodded his understanding without saying any thing. Huh, rude much. He walked past me to the sofa were Marihanna sat. He swiftly hit her up side the head, and growled. She glared at his retreating figure as he left the room.  

"Follow me" He said. Ah so the borg does talk! I grabbed my bags and was led up the stair case and headed past the kitchen (knew it).He opened a door with square pieces of frosted glass sectioning the door up and showed me in.  

"This is your room" He informed me. "Mine is down the hall, and My sister's room is on the lower level when she isn't AT HER OWN PLACE" he shouted the last part so she could here. It was answered by a "Shut the hell up douche" and a Music channel raised louder.  

"I will leave you to get settled" He said heading towards the door. "Dinner is served at 7" he informed me before shutting the door. 

The room was around the same size as my previous room, The windows filled the back wall. The double bed was made of metal painted white with brass knobs on each corner. The sheets matched the teal curtains and the furniture was French accented, with a small vanity and stool. The walls were painted white with blue patterns scattered across them.  

Well, it's different, I guess.  

I missed the warm feel my old room had. The atmosphere welcoming and cosy, inviting, and it felt like... like home.  

With a sigh, I started unpacking my things. Filling the small draws and wardrobe with my clothes. I put my throw, pillows on the bed and hid my teddy underneath them. No need to embarrass myself just yet.  

When I was done, I grabbed one of the old spell books Phir had given to me over the years. This stuff always fascinated me, the potions, spells, chants. I learned how to read tea leaves and palms with these books, well that and my mother. She was just as fascinated by all the things nature could tell us through the simplest things as I am.  

I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but the scene I was seeing shifted drastically from the white room. It was an old memory, Doriah sat opposite me on the wide sofa in our shared living area. His feet by my waist as mine were by his, a book in my hands and a warm chi tea at my side.  

I was flicking through when Doriah's foot nudged me. I looked up from my book and saw him leaning forward.  

"Nay, I need you to do something for me" He said, looking me straight in the eyes. I groaned. 

"I am not getting a bimbo out of your room tomorrow, I'm sick of being the one they take out their anger on. That dragon almost caught me on fire last time." I said bringing my knees into my chest and scolding him.  

"No Nay it's nothing like that, But... seriously, that's too funny" She said chuckling. I kicked him and he tried to compose himself. "Sorry. No, I need you to pick up something for me" 

"Why can't you go" I asked knowing all the while It was useless. I always gave in.  

"Because If I go then my mum will get suspicious. It's not something I can just carry around" 

My eyebrows knitted together. "What is it?" I asked.  

"I can't tell you. I just need you to meet a guy behind The Lions Den and pick it up." 

"I don't know D, This sounds like bad shit and I swore after the 1st time I got you that weed I wouldn't do it again!" I replied, trying to sound determined, I failing.  

"NAAAAAY" he whined, putting on his sad face that would make any woman's heart melt.  

"Alright, Alright. Jeez" I said rolling my eyes. "When do I gotta go" I asked. 

"Thankyou Nay. Love you for it!!! If you leave in 30 minutes you should be back before tea". 

I only found out a few weeks later that It had been a book that he wanted me to collect. I had wondered why he hadn't just told me and why he had refused to tell me after he got it. I even snook into his room when he had left for a date to look at it, but it was all in an unknown language I had never seen before! Even with my abilities I couldn't deciphere it.  

My eyes snapped open. I could feel moisture on my cheek and reached up to wipe away the tears. I went to sat up, and got the shit scared out of me when I finally noticed Marihanna stood in front of my door, her arms crossed and looking extremely pissed off.  

Ok, someone needs a hug!!!!

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