Blood Destinies - Chapter 2

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I sat in the Library, in front of the giant wood burning fire place, watching the cinders glow and spark. Feeling the heat on my legs and face. I used to do this with my mother when I was a child. Whenever I couldn't sleep I would come down to her room and sit with her for hours, just watching the fire glow, listening to it hiss and crackle, until eventually, I would fall asleep.  

The scent of dust , Musk and leather from the sofa behind me was heavy in this room. One of the reasons I love it in here. The broken stems of books, leaving the aroma of binding glue and old pages, turned by hundreds of hands.  

I usually live in this room. It feels like home in a strange sense. Whenever I was upset or missing my mum, I would come here to watch the embers glow and My heart would feel that little bit more whole. I could imagine the way her arms wrapped around my small body, and even though I was tiny already, I would feel even smaller.  

Absently I spun my thumb ring around and around with my finger. My mind racing through memories and trying desperately not to cry. I hate emotional people and I would feel like a hypocrite If I let my emotions get the better of me.  

A quiet knock came at the door, followed by the opening at swift click of it closing. 7 foot steps and a soft hand placed on my shoulder. I turned my head towards the hand and gave a half smile.  

"How are you Ney?" Valencia. Doriah's older cousin. She lived with his family after her parents were killed in a Lycan raid. She's always been like a big sister to me and I love as my own sister.  

"OK, I guess. Iv'e done my chores for the day" I said in case she was sent to ask me.  

"So I saw" She said "I don't think there is a single shelf un-dusted, floor un-hoovered and surface cleaned. I forgot how much you clean when you're upset"  

Damn, I didn't realise I had been doing that again. And I bet I didn't say a word to anybody! Great, now not only have I been neglecting my duties and Hiding away In my room, but I'm also being rude! 

"I'm sorry" I apologised "Just a lot on my mind I guess" I said turning around to face her. I looked up at her and found she looked, guilty? I'm not to sure, I'm terrible at reading people's expressions. Auras, sure, energies, easy. But any facial expression that Isn't pain stakingly obvious I just can't get. But she did look like something was definatley troubling her.  

"Are you OK Val?" I asked and watched her face drop.  

"Elia and Phir want to talk to you" By the tone of her voice I took it that It wasn't to sit down for tea and biscuits. This was going to be serious and most probably not going to end well.  

She saw the drop in my face and immediately became animated. "I'm sure It's nothing to bad" She tried to reassure me, but I can tell when people are lying to me and The way her jaw twitched when she said it, made me sure that she knew what they wanted to talk to me about.  

She grabbed hold of me and pulled me into her arms. She hugged me so tight I thought I was going to break.  

Snow started falling from the ceiling, evaporating before it hit the floor. I looked at Val and she shrugged a little. Her mother was an elemental, so she inherited her ability to control weather, as well as her immortality from her father.  

I reached up and wiped away the few little tears that had escaped from her large doe eyes, pushing her long honey blonde hair off her face, and smiled at her. 

"Go on then" She said shaking her head and stepping away. I nodded my agreement and headed towards the door. "You know I love you right?" Val said as I opened the door. I half turned and looked at her her steel blue eyes wet and sad. 

I nodded. "Love you too Val". I turned back around and shut the door behind me.  

Slowly I headed down the hall, My feet dragging behind me. I really can't deal with this talk. Whenever Phir and Elia call me in to "talk" It usually means something bad for me. The first time was when I was 11 and I was told my pet dog had "gone to live on a farm". Again when I was 13 to tell me I had to take classes during summer since I was failing math. But I'm pretty sure that this time it is something serious. Val's face kept creeping into my vision, She was definatley worried.  

I stared at the huge oak door, the carved surface depicting 2 large snakes rapped around each other, their heads resting on the others. My hand raised several times but I couldn't bring myself to knock. "Stop being a pussy" I told myself, and knocked 2 quick rasps.  

"Come in dear" Elia said from behind the door.  

My hand, shaking, pushed the door open and I stepped through. "Master. Denoix de Saint Marc" I bowed my head to Phir and then Elia. "Madam Denoix de Saint Marc".  

They lowered their heads a fraction and motioned for me to join them in the room. I walked forward and sat down in the leather sofa opposite their matching armchairs. The small table in between them both held a brandy glass half full, and a whiskey glass with the bottle stood next to it. Shit. This is really bad. Phir and Elia never drink, and for them to have to drink now tells me this is really going to hurt. 

"Nerys" Elia quietly started, "This is Mr. Waldon" huh? I turned around to were she pointed and recognised for the first time A short man with a brief case and a "don't fuck with me" face. I nodded my head at him and he returned the notion in much the same way. "He has come here today to re-assign you"  


She cant mean... 



Elia's face dropped and she looked down at her skirt. "Dear, I know that this is a terrible time for us, all of us. But according to the Guilds laws, when a Dhampire's master/ mistress passes, he or she must be relocated to a new master/ mistress in order to keep said Dhampire in service." 

Through out this, she kept her head down, some of her words slurring together. She must have been drinking for a while, which means she really didn't want to do this.  

I reached across the small space between us and put my hand on her knee reasuringly. She placed her hand on top of mine and squeezed it. 

A lump raised up in my throat and I tried hard to swallow it. "How long do I have?" I asked so quiet I wasn't sure If they would hear.  

Mr Waldon walked across the room and took the seat next to me on the sofa. I scooted over to the end of the sofa, he was giving off a strange energy and I didn't like it. Business men or officials usually do have a more sour or bitter aura than most. I don't know why, they just do. 

He opened his brief case, 12, 35, 21, 08. I'm good at picking out locks, I once got detention for picking every locker on my hall in school. He pulled out a legal sized envelope, opened it and pulled out the papers.  

" The guild have insisted that the re-assignment be done as soon as possible. So with that said I would like to propose a relocation within the week." I inhaled sharply. I can't leave, not now. People need me here. I need me here. Waldon looked up at me and I'm sure he saw the terror in my eyes, as his face softened and he went to place his hand on my shoulder.  

I shot up. No body touches me. I have terrible space issues, and right now this stranger is pushing into my bubble. His hand dropped instantly and his business face returned.  

"Miss Haylen" he said " I understand that this is a troubling time for you, but these orders come from the highest tier of authority. It is my job to see that your transition into your new home is swift and successful. Your co-operation in this matter is essential in making sure that my job is done to the best of my abilities." 



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I really love getting feed back and I take all suggestions into account.

Lee Lee xxx

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