Blood Destinies - Chapter 5

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What does she want? She's just standing there, staring at like I just screwed her boyfriend in her parents bed whilst listening to the theme tune to Jeopardy. Whoa I have issues. Her aura is glowing a deep red and by the way her nostrals are flaring my guess is she pissed.  

I shifted uncomfortably under her stare, avoiding eye contact. I don't deal well with confrontation in case It wasn't obvious.  

She slowly strolled into the room, eyeing my empty bags and bed throw. She stopped at the end of the bed and her gaze sliced into me. 

If there is one thing I've learned from meeting new people, is that you should never speak first, it avoids the whole rambling idiot, awkward moment when introducing yourself to strangers. Especially hostile looking strangers.  

"Who are you?" She asked, speaking slowly, drawing out each word as if she was talking to an idiot.  

"M-my n-name Is Nerys Cordelia Harley" I answered, looking at the floor. I always stutter when I'm nervous. But there was something especially unnerving about this short ass, bad tempered, in need of a hug, probably escaped from keebler tree girl.  

"There are rules that you need to know before you even think about stepping foot outside of this room." she announced, staring me down. I nodded my head in understanding. 

"First of all, I am not your friend, I will not help you with anything, and anything you need, don't even think about whispering a word in my direction.  

Second, My little brother is at a crucial point in his training. Any interference with him our his schedule will be punishable by any means. 

Third, We don't give a shit about your opinion when it pertains to our magical up-bringing. If you've got a problem with our ways then tough shit girly. 

And last of all." She walked up and got right in my face. "Don't give me a reason to kill you, Because I have friends everywhere, who would only be to happy to help me bury a body"  

I shivered slightly as her breathe tickled my neck. Her words lingered in my mind and I could feel my face whitening.  

She laughed a deep sensual laugh and left my room, slamming the door for effect.  

I sat there unmoving, telling myself over and over that she was joking. But the way she had said it, left no room for me to justify it as a joke! She had meant it and now I was scared shitless!! 

After a few minutes I heard a buzzing noise coming from near my door. I hadn't noticed before that there was an intercom my the door. It was white so that it blended into the wall, but I saw it now and stumbled my way over to it to answer before some got mad.  

"Dinner is ready." A male voice told me. I could tell it was Avi, but he sounded strained, like he really didn't want me to come out. Truth be told, neither did I, but I was starving and my mum always told me the best thing to do with new company is to always storm on when you feel you should hide. I rubbed the little locket my mum had given to me between my fingers. She had had it charmed, so that Each time I rubbed the smooth silver, her perfume would release from it's surface. She knew it always calmed me, so She had bought it for me on my last birthday before she died.  

So with my mother's words floating through my memory, I opened the door and walked into the dining area with my head held high.



ok, so I know It's a bit ass backwards to decide this now, but I'm gonna make this a split perspective. so I'm gonna add chapters between the existing ones, that will show Avi's POV. It shouldn't change anything about the chapters already there, but it should give more insight into the story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2011 ⏰

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