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Run..... Run far and run away... Run far away from Bill Cipher... These were all what Stanford Pines could think about.

How could he do this to me? I gave him EVERYTHING!!! My mind, my soul, my... my body. I feel so disgusted ...

After learning Bill's plan for destroying the universe and blurring the lines of our world and the Nightmare Realm, Ford just knew that he HAD to stop him... But can you stop him? You also gave him your heart...
A small part of his mind whispered to him.

SHUT UP!!!!!

Awww Sixer!!! Ya leaving so soon?

Bill's echoing voice rang out Ford's mind... Get outta my mind, you demon!!!

Now, don't be like that IQ !!! You know a lot of secrets of the universe.... And I gave them to you...

No, stop, get out!! Bill if you are listening, and of course you are, then know that I hate you!!! I hate you Bill... With a passion!!!

Nomed maerd denmad dnim ym fo tuo teg.

Ford cast the spell Bill taught him to get protect his mind...

Nomed maerd uoy nosirpmi ot srewop tneicna eht nopu llac I.

Ford cast another spell which resulted in a golden bubble appeared around Bill and Ford opened a portal to an unknown dimension and leaped through...

But, not before hearing Bill yell "I WILL find you Sixer!!! If it's the last thing I do, I will make you MINE !! "

These words will haunt Ford's mind till the end of time...

After jumping through the portal Ford sees that he doesn't know where he is... He loved, no, still loves that triangle against his better judgement... He thinks back to how they met, how they fell in love, and how it all went to Hell...

He remembered that he read somewhere that "To love is to destroy." At first he thought that it made no sense, but now he feels as if it's the most sensible sentence in the universe.

Fifty Angles of Cipher (BillFord) Where stories live. Discover now