Chapter 4 : Tea, Chess And A Lot Of Questions

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The moment Ford had said the word "Let's" Bill simply snapped his three fingers on his right hand and immediately two comfortable chairs, a chess set and two teacups appeared, one of the chairs were the perfect size for Ford and the other was smaller, the perfect size for Bill, who was at that particular moment no bigger than Ford's palm.

"Ask any question that you want Sixer."

Don't ask anything stupid, don't ask anything stupid, don't ask anything stupid...

"Oh Fordsy, you ain't gonna ask anything stupid, you are too smart for that, in fact, you are the smartest flesh sack that I've ever met, so, quit worrying about asking something stupid and shoot."

"Did you just read my mind again?"

"Yes, yes I did. It's one of my many abilities and also a favorite of mine."

"What other things are you able to do?"

"Possession of living and nonliving things, hypnotism, shape shifting, creation life, time traveling, seeing the future, dimension surfing, oh, and I also know almost everything there is to know. These are just a few of my talents. "

"That is amazing. If you don't mind me asking, but how and when do you use these abilities? "

"Basically for work purposes, because I'm the King of my realm and because of my position, I need to practice much more politics than I want, but I don't mind, I actually enjoy it. "

"Alright then, us there anything that you like to do outside your job? "

"I enjoy exercising control in all things along with finding out new mortal beings around the multiverse who have the above average intelligence. "

That's kinda boring...

"Perhaps it is, but, to each their own. "

He is amazing.

"Thanks Sixer, I know that I am, but, it is always nice to be appreciated."

"You said that you can shape shift, what exactly does that mean? I mean that can you change your shape to anything, absolutely anything ?"

"Well you got the right idea. I can shift my shape to whatever shape I desire. Why do you ask? "

"Can you give me a demonstration of your shape shifting abilities?"

"I thought that you'd never ask."

And again Bill snapped his fingers and shifted to a centipede, then a cat, a multibear, then he listened to what Ford thought about it.

Truly amazing, I wonder what would he look like if he shifted to a human, he'll probably be honey blonde or scotch blonde, have cerulean blue eyes, either really pale skin or slightly tanned skin, tall maybe, he'd wear something from the Victorian era, maybe his face would be slightly on the feminine side but would also been manly enough,he'd have a very attractive androgynous face ... He'd be really handsome.

Ford thought all of this in a second ,and momentarily forgetting that Bill can read minds.

"Hey Sixer, wanna see something really amazing? "

"Of course Bill. "

Bill snapped his fingers and he turned to a human, the exact human form of Ford's imagination, except for his hair, which was platinum blonde, and he had unnaturally long eyelashes, wearing a yellow tuxedo with coat tails, a black vest with a gold chain attaching a button with a pocket and a ocher handkerchief sticking and a white undershirt. His hands are bare with a cane in the right one... He must be left handed... He looked  Delectable...

The moment Ford laid his eyes on him, he felt a blush creeping on his face, a kind of feeling that his friend Fiddleford said that happens when you look at someone you like on a physical basis.

Get a hold of yourself. Bill is a male. No one can't be with someone of the same sex. It is unnatural. He looks so good. His lips look so soft, I wonder... No stop going in that direction... Think about something else, anything else... Cats dancing... Cats wearing dresses... Bill wearing a dress... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

"Sheesh, Sixer, if I didn't know any better I'd say that you find this form attractive. But  you do don't you? After all, I did pick it from your imagination. "

"Ummmmm, I -I, ahh .. Oh God. "

"Speechless, eh? Exactly what I want everyone around me, but enough frolicking around , let's get down to business. Do we have a deal my dear Sixer? Will you let me be your muse, let me inhabit your body and change this world in WAYS that you can't comprehend? "

Ford nodded his head as if in a trance, for he was too mesmerized by the rough velvet voice of the cerulean eyed angel who is beautiful enough to be lust personified said the words "My dear Sixer".

"Then we have a deal, Sixer. Care to shake on it?"

Bill said with a voice that was almost erotic.

"We have a deal. "

The moment they shook hands Ford almost lost himself in the silken soft yet rough touch of Bill's human hands. So lost, that he didn't notice the blue fire engulfing their hands, or the slight sinister edge of Bill's face.

"Time to wake up Sixer. "

Ford woke up with a start, for a while not recognizing where he was, then he saw that he was in the room that he had rented, wearing the same clothes as yesterday, drenched in sweat....

"I must've been more tired than I thought... To dream up something like that.. "

But then his eyes landed on his right palm and he saw the summoning circle on it and beneath it written was "I'm always with you."

On his left hand, there is a childish drawing of a turkey.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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