Chapter 2 : Setting Things In Motion

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Ford spent 12 years in Backsupmore University. Not because he is a bad student, but because he is an extraordinary scholar. During all this time he attained 12 PhDs on various subjects, paranormal anomalies, paranormal science,quantum physics, ancient dead languages, cryptography, advanced engineering, cosmology, secret history of the world , philosophy to name a few. Yes, Stanford Pines is a genius, a prodigy, an advanced intellectual, a person with a one of a kind merit who was born before his time.

Throughout his entire time in Backsupmore University Fiddleford McGucket was his constant companion, the southern man never left his side. It should be noted that Fiddleford was also a genius, of course, no where near as the genius of Ford, but he seemed to have a scientific intuition when it comes to engineering, especially computers, so much, that on the field of computer engineering he is as good as Ford's level if not higher, and he would've been the college valedictorian if not Ford took the title, but none of them were ever jealous of the other, in fact, both wanted the other to excel, but it was clear that Ford was the forerunner among the two, but Fiddleford never bore any ill will towards Ford, in fact, he wanted Ford to achieve everything he had ever dreamt of. The both of them went together like peas in a pod, and Ford had academically achieved everything he had ever dreamt of and more, the other universities which had rejected him kept offering him scholarships, but he wouldn't accept it, he couldn't find it in his heart to leave Backsupmore, he loved this university, it had become a second home to Ford, no, that won't be right, Backsupmore University is more like an actual home to Ford than his family and home back in Glass Shard Beach had ever been, it accepted him, nurtured him, pushed him to go further than anyone ever did with the exception of McGucket. Backsupmore and Fiddleford McGucket are his new family and he wouldn't trade them for anything.

Anyway, after all this, one thing had always plagued Ford's life, even when he had achieved so much more than anyone ...

"What a six fingered freak!"
"Hey, freak, why don't you join a freak show? 'Cause that's where you belong! "
"A freakishly freaky freak with a freaking extra finger with an even freakier brain who was born because of a freak accident in a family of freaks!"
" Are you even human you freak?! Cause once I saw your picture in an encyclopedia under the reference of freak!"

Yes,"Freak", this five-lettered word has haunt Ford throughout his life, and it hurt like Hell whenever someone called him that, but for some reason when anyone called him a freak or anything like that he always seemed to see a flash of bright yellow on his peripheral vision, and a ringing echoing voice in his mind which said

"Don't worry, Sixer, one day you will rise above them all and the world will know your name as Stanford Pines, greatest scientist of all time. "


"Stop getting bothered with what other people think about you, you are unique and special, it's always better to be one in a billion rather than a dime a dozen ."

Whenever, wherever, however Ford was bullied these messages in this hypnotic voice always rang in his head, even when he was a mere child, this voice always seemed to make him feel as if he is a part of something greater, bigger than himself and larger than life.

Ford didn't know what to think of it when he was younger, but as time began to pass, he thought of this voice as his muse, a mythical figment of his imagination which was always present whenever he needs it most, be it inspiration or some mental shelter. Now this voice is telling him to go further, to go beyond, to research anomalies like him, and so Ford with the help of his friend McGucket made a anomaly tracker, this tracker points at anything out of the ordinary, and with a little modification this tracker could point out the strongest point of these anomalies in the Continental US and the strongest point was Gravity Falls....

In fact, the weirdness level is the highest there and it gradually decreases the further you go away from there, it's as if it's the center of the weirdness and the further you go from the center the weirdness decreases...

Why is it like that? Well, I got my work cut out for me. I need, no, MUST go to Gravity Falls and research the reason for such a phenomenon. In fact, I might just find my place among the anomalies and the weirdness of this particular place, and might just be considered normal for a change. Yes, Gravity Falls, I'm coming.

And while Ford was thinking this, somewhere in the multiverse a certain dream demon and God of Chaos and Nightmares did his version of an evil smile, because in a short few years he would finally achieve what he wants and this stupid meatsack will help him along the way. Why, things were already set in motion when this six fingered human was born, and it's moving like a force of nature and there is no stopping it, only accepting it and using it to one's own advantage.

"I'd run if I were you, Sixer... You have no idea about the things you set in motion, my little pawn in my intergalactic game of chess."

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