Chapter 1 : The Beginning

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"I'm sorry, Mr. Pines, but you are not accepted to Harvard University."

"We are sorry to inform you that you are not accepted to MIT "

"We are sorry to say that even though your academic records were good, you are not accepted to Stanford University"

"We are sorry to inform you that your academic records were less than satisfactory and so you are not accepted to Dartmouth University "

All of these were unacceptance letters from all of Ford's first choice colleges. None of them accepted him, and it was all Stanley's fault. If only he hadn't damaged Ford's invention then he would've gotten into every one of the universities that hadn't accepted him. Hell, one of them even said that he's academic records were less than satisfactory... Now that just hurt.
Wait a second, that won't be right... One university DID accept him.

"Dear Mr. Pines,
We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted to Backsupmore University. "

WTF!? Backsupmore is the stupidest college ever. They accept everyone!! Even Stanley could get in there.

Oh, well, it's not as if Ford had a choice... He needed to go there.

At this moment, he hates everything about Stanley.... He just couldn't remember any good memories of Stanley and he... Only the bad ones.

Forget him Ford. All you need to focus on is your present and future, your dream and how are you going to achieve them if you study in Backsupmore. Ford thought to himself , I know, I'll take it as a challenge... I'll show everyone that I'm the greatest scientist there is, he again thought as a way to console himself, surprisingly, it worked.

He finally reached the campus of Backsupmore University.

Hmm, this place isn't as bad as I thought. Now I need go to the front office and get my room key , maybe my new roommate will be nice...

He went to the front office and the red headed woman with thick square glasses and a scratchy voice (probably the results of too much nicotine consumption and being closer to bright lights than its considered healthy) asked for his name and acceptance letter and other documents, after she checked everything she gave him the key for his new room for the next few years, she also added that his roommate hadn't arrived yet.

OK, this gives me some time to compose myself and settle in without anyone judging me and pick my side of the room... Ford thought as he marched up to his room lugging all his stuff and the shoe box which his mother packed with photos and old stuff from home and his childhood, in case he gets homesick, or at least that's what she said. Ford thinks about some random things such as the square root of the square root of pi and solving mental ciphers which he saw in a curious journal etc... Just a bunch of normal stuff, nothing weird...

Welp, here it is... My new home for the next few years which I am going to share with a random stranger who may be my best friend or my worst enemy .

Finally, Ford got in and took in the new environment... Light grey walls, two big windows, an air conditioner, a mini fridge beside the air conditioner, a bathroom beside the window, two desks and two single beds pushed to the walls, one is near the bathroom and the other is closer to the window. Ford chose the bed closer to the window because he likes fresh air. After awhile he set everything up and organized everything and waited for his new roommate and went through the classes that he wanted to attend and about the coming orientation but mostly he thought how his own twin betrayed him .

*Knock knock*

Who might that be? Ford wondered as he opened the door to be greeted by a short guy with thick glasses and messy hair.
"Well, howdy partner? The names Fiddleford McGucket, what's yours? " the short guy or Fiddleford asked with his thick southern accent.

"Oh, um, I'm Stanford Pines but you can call me Ford. It's nice to meet you. "Ford said as he offered his hand to shake.

"Good lord, you have six fingers! It's amazing, you can get more work done with the extra finger." When Fiddleford said that while shaking his hand with his roommate and Ford was slightly taken aback.

"Uh...... Thank you? "
"Anyway, go ahead and call me McGucket."
"OK..., so are you going to the orientation? "
"So, anyway, welcome, do you need some help unpacking? And I took the liberty of choosing this side of the room, I hope that it's alright? "
"Sure, everything is just peachy. And I really don't need any help. Please don't take it the wrong way. "
"OK...then I'll leave you to it, I'm gonna take a shower and pick out what I'm gonna wear at the orientation. "
"Take your time buddy "

Hmm... He seems like a nice guy.

After his shower he chose a red turtleneck sweater and a tan jacket and jeans, and McGucket wore the same clothes he came in and went to the orientation hall together.

"I know that Backsupmore is not the first choice of any of you present here, but we are all happy to have you here and we will try our best to make it an experience that you will never forget. " After the president gave his speech, no one cheered, but he looked like he honestly didn't care, not in a rude way but as if he knew that no one would cheer. And Ford thought after the tour that in some ways this college is great, perhaps even as great as the other colleges I wanted to go, if not greater. They got a lot more courses and all the professors seem world class.

Maybe THIS college is the one which will ACTUALLY help me achieve my goals.

After that it was a small lunch and after that he went back to the dorm and wondered what classes he should take. This may just be the beginning of a twisted path adorned with thorns, which is of the path to Stanford's dreams, although Stanford himself didn't know what his dream is, ironically....

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