Chapter 3 : Gravity Falls

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A month after Ford's little epiphany of his mission and goal, he finally said goodbye to his home for 12 years, said farewell to his best friend and drove all the way to Gravity Falls, Oregon. Truth be told, as he was leaving for Gravity Falls he felt tears burning in his eyes and a pang of sadness when he saw the view of his school gradually growing smaller in the rearview mirror till he was so far away that he couldn't see it anymore. He had never felt this way, not even when he left Glass Shard Beach.

When Ford had finally reached the small town of Gravity Falls, at first, it seemed like a boring, typical small town in the middle of nowhere filled with boring, typical, small town people who want to get out of here, but are too afraid or too stuck to leave and who also don't take kindly to strangers...Yes, gaining the trust and welcome from the people of Gravity Falls was going to be a challenge for anyone who moves here and tries to do something out of the ordinary, but, luckily, Ford loved, and still loves, to take challenges.

Anyway, to anyone else this place would seem normal, but Ford wasn't anyone, he was Ford, and because of that he could see the mysteries hidden in the town, and truth be told, they are hidden in such a way that even the townspeople didn't know a fraction of them and even Ford couldn't see them if he wasn't specifically looking for them. The first anomaly he saw were gnomes, not your regular day to day garden gnomes, but actual living beings, and they seemed to be looking for a queen and they would attack any unsuspecting female to be their queen, Ford actually counted his lucky stars that he wasn't a woman, no offense intended, but he really didn't want to tangle with gnomes in THAT way... Goodness no.
And then he just saw a flock of bat like creatures with eyeballs for a body.

Such strange and interesting beings, but what should I call them? Eyeball bats? ... NO! EYE BATS!!

And so many other kinds of anomalies...

After a while of dilly dallying, Ford stopped thinking about what the locals might think of him and set off to work...

He's first job was to rent a room in the only motel in Gravity Falls, then legally buy a medium plot of land at the edge of the woods. It didn't take much hassle to buy it, people rarely bought land here and because of the rumors about the creatures people rarely bought land right at the edge of the woods, so, after he had bought the land with only a fraction of the money he had from all the competitions, and awards, and his earnings from being a professor at Backsupmore. As he was leaving the property office he literally bumped into his first acquaintance who happened to be Dan Courdory or Manly Dan as the red headed lumberjack wanted to be called... Ford paid the thickly built man to make him a two storey cabin at the edge of the woods...

After befriending Manly Dan and getting his cabin in shape, or at least getting most of it in shape, he went to the only diner in town, there he met a woman in her 20's who's name is Susan, she seemed the type who might turn gossiping into an art form, but a nice lady just the same. She seemed to be quite the flirt but she wasn't his type, besides, Stanford realized this from the moment he had entered the diner that she was only talking to him because she wanted fresh gossip in a town where everything, everyone and everyday is the same . But, they still talked, human interaction is important and Ford needed to interact with the locals if he wants some help with his research...

So, after a while of chatting with this Susan, ford had learned that even though the locals weren't as aware of the anomalies they had a lot legends and stories about strange creatures, things and places in the woods of Gravity Falls. Such as the Hide-Behind, which happened to be a creature that you could never see because it would always hide behind you or another object, is told to have long limbs, a skinny twig like body, jet black skin, disturbingly humanoid, is carnivorous and given the chance would eat humans. After listening to what Susan said about the Hide-Behind, Ford had decided that he doesn't want to tangle with this creature during the best of times.

After he left the dinar he went to the local stationary shop, from there he bought LOTS of paper, a few dozen pens, pencils, a few binders, a few notebooks, some charcoal, a small knife, a few erasers and some other writing utensils.

When he finally went to the small motel room that he had rented he just set everything he bought that day on a smile table in the room and collapsed on the bed  without even bothering to change his clothes and drifted off to sleep.

In his dream he saw a glowing yellow triangle with a top hat and a black bow tie and a cane on its twig like arm and only one eye and no mouth. Strange thing was that this triangle resembled the Illuminati symbol and even stranger was that this triangle was the exact shade of yellow of his muse.

"Wh-who are you? "
"Awwwwww, Sixer, don't you recognize me? Okay, I'm going to give you a hint, I was always with you whenever you needed me the most. "
This is my muse? My word, I'm finally able to see him, I don't know what to say....
"Just say hello and ask for my name, add a 'please' in there."
Did it just read my mind?
"Of course I did. Hey IQ, don't be so thick. Anyways I'm Bill Cipher, your local inter-dimensional Dream Demon, and please don't call me an it, I prefer to be referred as a male. Hey, Fordsy, let's chat over tea and chess. "
"Let's "

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