My secret

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Anisha's pov
I have a secret i am pregnant. No i can't tell Clair like that! Maybe a birthday surprise. That sounds good not best but that is only Clair i have 2 bands to tell!

Clair's pov
It seems weird I feel like Anisha is hiding something from me. How can i tell her my secret? I feel really bad that i cheated on Anisha! I was drunk i hope she understands that i wouldn't blame her for being mad. One way or another she has to know!

Vic's pov
The girls are acting strange? I hope that they are okay! They really haven't come out of their bunks at all for 2 days straight! Maybe Tony will know?

Tony' pov
I was asked if i knew what was wrong the girls. I don't know Vic i am sorry go ask them! That is my advice if you don't take it then you will never know. Do you have a better idea?

Vic's pov
Tony is so right. I thought to myself! I have to go ask what's wrong with the girls. I fell bad for invading their privacy but i am now a father and must get used to it!

Anisha's pov
I have to tell them! I went to tell them and then bang a fight was going down. Jamie and Andy were wrestling together! I tried to stop them but it didn't work. Then i was hit really hard Vic heard me scream and so did Clair. They rushed me to the hospital

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